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Both guys noticed the wet floor and the shreds of glass "Yunlan Ge, be careful and move baby back" Lin worriedly said and Hong wants to shout her lungs out when her plan backfires and Lin supports and worried for Shen Wei instead.

Yunlan moves Shen Wei back and Lin asks Hong what happened?

"He knows my condition. He knows I am pregnant. But the volume of TV was so loud. He don't care"

She said, and Yunlan wraps Shen Wei's shoulders, but Lin gets confused

"But Hong, I came earlier, in fact I was watching this movie with him, the volume is normal. He care about you a lot"

He speaks so politely with her, and she feels defeated

"Maybe because of my mood swings, I reacted too much. I'm sorry, Shen Wei"

She apologizes when nothing works on them, both Lin and Yunlan. She hates when everyone teams up with him.

Lin takes Hong and also sends maid to clean up the room. Yunlan hugs Shen Wei "It's okay. Ignore her"

Shen Wei hugs him back and sniffed "She is lying. TV volume was low. I know what is her problem with me?"

Yunlan smiled a little and Wei looks at his face "What?"

"She loves you and that's why she don't like me with you" Shen Wei said it directly.

"This is wrong, baby. Don't say this again" His tone was a bit strict

"You don't like her?" Wei  
"No, I don't like her. And I don't like the words that she loves me. I loves you and I am again saying it to you. Don't utter these words to me"
"Okay" Shen Wei simply hugged him back.
"Now smile for me" Yunlan said and both smiled.
"Don't leave me" Shen Wei said
"I don't want to die" Yunlan said.

Hong starts teasing Shen Wei and this makes him possessive over Yunlan. In university, Hong approaches him in his class.

"Hi Shen Wei" Hong said,
"Hi, Hong jiejie" Wei was happy seeing her
"You know, Yunlan will soon start loving me" Hong said
Shen Wei become frustrated
"No, he will never love you. He only loves me and I know it" Shen Wei confidently reply.
"It's your imagination" Hong said back. "No, you live in imagination and ruining yourself for someone who will never yours" He said and Hong was shocked by his answers.

"Disrespectful boy", she taunts
"Less than you" He replied again and smiled.

She left while fuming and Da pats Shen Wei's shoulder.
"Wow! Impressed Buddy" Shen Wei sighs, and their professor came to take the class.

The next day, Hong again comes to Shen Wei when he was alone in his room.

"What now? I told you, you can only imagine  he loves me and he will never love you" He was annoyed

"Yes if this is true and he will never love me back then I prefer to kill him than seeing him happy with sick person like you"

She said big words and he gets badly scared by her words. She smirked and left seeing him with upset breathing.

He turned and picked inhaler from the bed to control himself. He was very scared when his father came in

"Shen Wei?" Mr. Shen
"Yes papa?" He steadies himself and smiled
"What happened to you?" His father caressed his face
"Nothing. I am fine" He giggles, and his father was not convinced, seeing his pale face but he kissed his cheeks
"Medicines?" Mr. Shen ask again
"I took in time" Shen Wei said proudly, "Okay good and give me my file, my child" His father said
"Yes" Wei takes out his file and gives it to his father
"Thanks my heart" Mr. Shen kissed his cheeks and left.

Yunlan comes inside after a few minutes and looks at his face

"Shen Wei, what happened to you?" His tone was concerned
"Yunlan, Shen Wei, come dinner is ready" Yunlan's mom said and he picked up his phone from the sofa.

"Yunlan, listen to me" Shen Wei said softly.
"Yes, baby" He lovingly said back while turning towards him
"Yunlan Hong Jiji said she will kill you if you don't love her" He said and Yunlan started laughing.
"Oh my baby tiger" Yunlan pinches his cheeks
"I am serious" Shen Wei said

"Wei baby whatever you are saying is impossible and she will never do this. If she said it then she may try to tease you" He said

"But Yunlan, she was serious" Shen Wei was scared.
"Okay, okay. Then leave her and listen. I am happy. I am becoming uncle soon. Let's have dinner. I'm starving" Yunlan dragged him out.

After dinner, Zhujiu was sitting with his uncle Shen and they were discussing something when Shen Wei goes in their room

"Papa, Ge, I'm scared" Shen Wei said standing in the door
"What happened? Come here" Zhujiu opened his arm and Wei sit in his lap. "Now tell me what happened?" He removed hairs from his forehead.
"You will believe me?" Wei asked again and other two nod.
"Why don't we believe you? We will believe everything you say" Mr. Shen said and Shen Wei told them about Hong.

After listening to him, Mr. Shen caresses his face
"It's okay, don't think about anything and just focus on your studies, huh?" He smiles and sends his son back.

"Don't take his words seriously. He's a kid" Mr. Shen said, seeing the silent Zhujiu

"No uncle, I am taking his words seriously and I am sure my sister said something like this and I believe he is not lying because I know my sister" He said and both silently looked at each other

Next morning everyone goes to their works, Yunlan and Shen Wei go to their university and elders go to their offices. Before going out Zhujiu signals his uncle Shen and both nod

Hong stays at home because she has checkup. When they all left, Zhujiu smiles at his mother

"When you both are going to see the doctor?" Zhujiu
"I think after an hour" His mother told

After exact twenty minutes, Zhujiu knocks the door of Hong's room
"May I come in my dear sister?" Zhujiu
"Yes yes sure ge, come in please" Hong
"How are you feeling?" He careses her face
"I am good ge. It's just a normal checkup" She smiles at him and he get serious
"What happened ge? You want to say something?" Hong
"Yes Hong, I am worried for something" Zhujiu
"What is it tell me" Hong

"You" Zhujiu
"Me? What happend ge tell me" Hong was confused
"Hong what you talk to Shen Wei last night?" He ask her and she frowns thinking about him that why he tell this to Zhujiu

"Hong I am asking you something" Zhujiu
"Why he tell you that?" Hong mistakenly utters and regretted right after speaking
"It means he was saying truth" Zhujiu narrowed his eyes

"I said nothing to him ge. whatever he said it was a lie" She start getting scared and confused

"Don't scare him Hong. I know you are scaring him and this is very wrong my child"

He said very gently and Hong start crying
"He is lying. He is jealous because I am giving family the heir and he can't" She cries and gets emotional

He hugs her and warns her not to do anything with Shen Wei because he is innocent and harmless in every way. He gives her water and after kissing her forehead he left the room.

As the more family supports Shen Wei her hate increases towards him.


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