Regulus' POV

Me, Barty and Evan decided to skip class. "Thank merlin it is Friday, I cant deal with another day of all this shit." "Tell me about it I mean, I like doing lessons but I'm ready to lay down right now. Just as I say that, an owl comes through the door holding a letter with my initials on it. "Whose R.B?" "Barty you idiot its for Reg." "Oh I'M the idiot?" "Yeah you are." " You allw-" "Stop with the lovers quarrel already, I swear you lot are insufferable. I'm going to take my letter now, Barts why don't you lie down?" I take the letter while Barty starts mumbling something about stress and grey hairs. The letter I written in the same handwriting as every other woman of the Black family. Its quite weird that they make sure that every girl in our family has the same handwriting. You can never tell who you are getting owled from. Dear Regulus Black, 'chercher' (French) I go over to the window that the owl is now perched at and look up. The initials A.B are carved onto the brick. And a piece of paper is stuck on it, I grab the paper and it says 'astronomy tower' I put down my stuff and go there immediately.

I ran over to the astronomy tower to see a tall girl in posh clothing with long, semi-frizzy hair. "Andromeda?" "Reg." she squeals. She comes over to hug me, as she does I notice bruises and scars all over her arms and neck. "They do it to you huh." She frantically tries to cover it up. "Wait. Did you just say that they do it to you. Oh my god Regie, I'm so sorry." I Look at and we share a half smile. "I cant stay long or they'll realise I'm here, but me and Cis got this for you. She couldn't make it." "Dont tell me shes getting the mark, i thought she didnt need to." "Shes not, dont worry. just in a meeting. How's Sirius I sent him a letter but he may not remember." "No he should be here, he just has a hard time getting out of his common room. His friends are quite the handful." "Well little cuz, I gotta go to the herboligy classroom, hopefully they haven't changed the location. I'll visit soon, I promise." "Thanks Andromeda. I'll see you soon." "Bye Regie." I wave back smiling, genuinely, for the first time in a really long time.

I go back into the dorm for Evan staring at me. "Where did you go scurrying off to in such a rush." "Just meeting an old friend." "Good to know that you still think nobody knows about you sneaking off to see Andromeda. Or was it Narcissa this time?" "I thought you knew. Either way, It was Andromeda. Cissa  is, getting it today so she couldn't make it." "Sorry Reg." "I'm fine, I just know what they did to Bella and Merlin knows how twisted its made her, I mean she's only 24 and already a mass murderer. I just don't want the same happening to Cissa." "She'll survive, she's stronger then Bella was." "I know its just hard. I mean, every single pureblood Slytherin in our year is meant to come back after Christmas and be a death eater. And hide it from the professors. Last year someone got found out. Now they're in Azkaban because they had a duel with a Hufflepuff and won. Its insane. We're sixteen Evan. Its not right." "I know Reg." He says softly as I sit down next to him. "I know."


OH MY MERLIN. REG, BABE, YOU WILL NOT BE ABLE TO GUESS WHATS GOING ON WITH MY LOVE LIFE RIGHT NOW. I NEED FULL THERAPIST REGIE RIGHT NOW, MAYBE EVEN BARTS ASWELL." "Babes, we are all ears, explain everything to me." "OKAY, so I like Marlene, as you know, and I think she might like me back, but if I make a move, what if she doesn't like me and she gets creeped out and it ruins our relationship but if I don't what if she does like me and thinks that I'm straight and ends up falling for someone else and gets with them while I die and get resurrected again to just die again when they become official. And now I died telling you all of this." "Woah Dorcas slow down." "Time of death 18:47." "Just trust your gut and if she doesn't like you then its her loss." "Oh, my merlin I'm gonna go do it now. Thanks Reg see you later." |Dorcas then speeds off looking for Marlene. "Finally, some peace and quiet." Just as I say that Marlene walks through the door. "REGULUS I NEEDD YOUR LOVE ADVICE." Lemme guess you like Dorcas and want to ask her out but think that she will reject you. But then again, you don't want her to fall for someone else." "Yeah, exactly anyways wha- "REGULUS I CANT FIND HER AND I NEED TO ASK HER OUT OR I WILL LITTERALLY DIE." "Oh, hi Marlene, wait MARLENE." "I'm gonna leave you guys to talk amoungst yourselves." "Heya grouchy." "Ugh, what do you want now Potter." "Wow, chill, i just wanted to apologise for getting in your buisness." "Oh, uhm, okay? I dont really know why you should apologise for that, but thanks. i think." "So, friends?" "Sure, friends." "Oh uhm Sirius wants to talk to you. He said to go to the astronomy tower." "Thanks."

I go to the astronomy tower to find Sirius waiting for me "Hi Petit frère." He says with a soft smile. "Hi grand frère." "Sit, please." "I walk over to him and we both sit down. "So, uhm, how are you doing?" he asks me. "Good, how are you?" "I'm fine thanks." "So what do you want to talk about?" "Oh, uhm I just wanted to talk with you, see how you're doing." "Oh, uhm, okay." "Do you hate me? I know you probably do, and you have every reason to but, id just like to know if you do." "Oh, no, no I don't hate you, I couldn't hate you. Your my brother. I just wish I could've gotten a warning, like, before you left." "I know I should've given you a note, I was just not in a very good mindset to do that." "Oh no, I totally get it, Its just I was worried that you'd be hurt or, well, dead." "No I'm not, did you really doubt me that much to think id die within a few days of leaving?" "No I just, worry a lot." "How about you sit with me at dinner today. Dorcas already practically lives with Marlene so, nobody will really care." "Sure," I let out a sigh. "Okay big question." "I'm all ears." "DID YOU AND JAMES GET HIGH BEFOR POTIONS?" " WHAT DID THAT B*TCH TELL YOU?" "ONLY EVERYTHING." "MERLIN, PRONGS." "You're an idiot Sirius Black." "So are you Regulus." "Okay another big question. When do I get introduced to that boy your always around?" "WHAT?" "Honey you are gayer then me okay, Its clear that you are head over heals for the tall one, with scars on his face." "GET YOUR STUPID ASS OUT OF MY LOVELIFE." "Honey, I am a Slytherin Skittle okay, deal with it, I know everything." "Wow look at the time I'm starving lets go eat.

I told b=Barty and Evan that I'd sit with the Gryffindors today and they said they'd meet me after in our dorm. I sat in between Sirius and Lily, and opposite James Dorcas and Marlene. "So how do you like our table Reg?" Lily asks staring me with a frightening look on her face. "Eh you lot are bland, no interesting conversations like what I have back with my lot." "They all stare at me wide eyed with overly dramatic looks on their faces, well, except Dorcas of course, she's to busy laughing her ass off. "Wow I see how Sirius fits in with you." "I'm sure we are more entertaining then Slytherin." "James chimed in, and then proceeded to make a gagging action while pointing at the Slytherin table. I see Barty imitating it and then proceeds to send him a flying paper airplane. It lands in James' hair and as he took it out and read it hew had a look of disgust on his face. "What the f*ck are your friends playing at Regulus." "What did Barty do now?" he hands me the note and I cant help but look at Barty with a, 'you've pissed him off' look. On the piece of paper it was a hand drawn picture of James tiredly chasing Lily around in circles with the words. Cant go round the lilypad anymore. Something so stupid, yet so Barty at the same time. Because I'm with others I end up eating way too much by accident but continue to try and look okay. When I manage to get away from them I immediately rush to the bathroom and end up puking my guts up for so long that Barty came looking for me. "Hey, you okay?" "Yeah I just, ate too much." "Wanna go back now?" "Okay." I guess I threw up so much that I became dizzy and light headed, I almost fell over a few times while walking. I finally made it up to our dorm and fell fast asleep. A few more hours until the weekend. Thank Merlin.

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