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I woke up alone. I heard footsteps coming from downstairs. I looked over to the door and saw James walking up the stairs with a mug of boiling liquid. He looked over to me and smiled. He walked in and sat down besides me, setting the cup on the drawers besides the bed. "Hey little star, how we feeling?" I looked over at him and smiled. "Better." "Good. I made you some tea. Not normal tea, I know you don't like that. Its raspberry leaf tea. Mum picked it up from the store and said its good for stomach pains and throwing up. It also tastes pretty decent." I sat up slightly and he budged up closer to me. "Sirius back yet?" "No, they're out with Mary and Lily. Wont be back for a while." "And your parents?" "Mum is in Wales with her brother and Marlene's family and Dad went up to Poland for business." "So, we're all alone for while, huh." "I guess we are." He moved closer next to me and put his arm around me. I lay my head on his chest. "Want to go down to the kitchen. I can make you some food." "James potter knows how to cook?" "Hey, im more then just a pretty face." "I highly doubt that. But feel free to prove me wrong." "Gladly." He got up and helped me stand up and went down to the kitchen.

"What should I make?" "What do you know?" "Anything, what's your favourite French desert." "I don't know. Oh, do you know how to make Macarons? I used to have them all the time." "Sure, what flavour?" "You pick." "Pistachio or chocolate?" "Pistachio sounds good." "Okay, let me get the ingredients." He opened all the cupboards and drawers until he found all of the ingredients. His mum had picked pistachio flour a while ago and it was still in date. He had gotten all of the ingredients and rested them on the island in the middle of the kitchen. "So, do you know how to make macarons?" "No, I don't actually."

"So, first. You get your almond flour, powdered sugar and pistachio flour and sift it twice through bowls." He did it while saying it and was surprisingly quite god. "Then you need to get your egg whites and beat them with a whisk. This takes a while." After he beat the eggs he got the other ingredients and folded them in. After about another seven minutes he was done and the macarons were in the oven. "So, now for the filling." "Ugh, more?" "Yeah, but this takes less time. And I leave the macarons and the filling in the fridge for a few hours before combining them. So, there's a break." "Fine, but I'm going to sit on the island." "Why?" "Cause I can." I push myself onto the island and sit cross legged on it.

We continued making the macarons and put it all in the fridge. "That took too long." "You wanted it." "You offered." "I guess I did." I was still sitting on the counter and we we're talking. "Chocolate or sweets?" "Chocolate, muggle chocolate though. Our chocolate is shit." "Cant argue with that." "What about you?" "Honestly, sweets. They're nostalgic." "Fair." I get up and walk over to the stairs, the clock above the sliding doors to the living room says 18:54. "Wow, it got late fast." "Late? Its only 6pm." "Eh, I'm tired." "You wanna go up to rest while I make the macarons?" "No, no. I'd rather stay with you." "Okay, grab a chair."

We sat down while he piped the filling onto the macaron. He left a small space and got some melted white chocolate and put it in the centre. He then closed the top and put it back onto the tray. It took a while to do it all, but we ended up with fifteen macarons and put them in the fridge again. "You're finally done. Now we can go upstairs and I can go to sleep." "Okay, lets go." We went upstairs and I got in James' bed. "Want to watch a muggle movie?" "Depends, what one?" "Its called 'Bambi' Its about a deer." "Okay." He put the movie on and came and sat next to me.

I was sitting besides him, watching the movie. At the last couple seconds I slapped him. "You didn't tell me it'd be sad." "It wasn't sad." "How dare you. If it wasn't emotional why was I crying through like half of it." "You weren't crying Reg." He looked down at me. Me with my tear stained cheeks and my puffy eyes. "Oh, sorry." "Just shut up James." i rested my head on his shoulder. "I was going to sleep earlier, but now you've ruined the chance of doing that." "Not my fault, you wanted to watch a muggle movie." "I didn't think it'd be THAT sad." "Just get up." I pulled him up and he looked at me. "What?" "You're annoying." "No im not." "You're lucky I love you James." He froze for a moment. I'd never said the 'L word' to him before. He'd said it to him plenty of times. But this is the first time I'd said it to him. "James? You alright?" "You, love me?" "Oh, uhm, yeah." I paused. "I guess I do." He didn't respond. "James what's wro-" He stopped talking and kissed me. I took time to react but I soon closed my eyes. He broke away after about twenty seconds. "W-What was that?" He just smiled at me. "You love me." I was about to say something but before I could we heard Sirius yelling. "OI, WE FORGOT THE KEY. OPEN THE DOOR REG." I rolled my eyes. "Better go help him." I got up and went downstairs to open the door.

I opened the door and Sirius was standing outside the door, soaked. "Took you long enough." "'Thanks Regulus for opening the door for us.' 'Oh, no problem Sirius.' Next time I'll open it, and shut the door on you." "Can we come inside? Its pouring with rain." "Remus can come inside. But, m not so sure about doggy here." "What the fuck did you just call me?" "I think you heard me Sirius." Remus walked in, pulling Sirius by the arm. "Moony, can you not." I shut the door and locked it. Siriusb flopped on the couch. "So, where have you been?" "We went out with Mary and slept over." "You could've sent a letter." "Shut up, im more mature, im older, stop talking." I rolled my eyes. "I'm going back upstairs." "Oh, Regulus, c'mere." Remus was smirking at me. "How was your time with James then?" I stared at him, not replkying. He tapped his neck and I remembered that some of the hickeys were still visible. I covered them up and Looked away. "Fuck off you beast." I just went upstairs without saying anything else.

Sorry for the short chapter, i'm going to work on more. Ill upload soon


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