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He soon fell asleep and I got up and got in the shower. After a few minutes I got dressed and went back down. Pete was here and sitting beside Remus. "Rem, when is the next full moon?" "Its like tomorrow, why?" "Just making sure, my dad built a bigger shed we can use." "Okay, thanks mate." "So Pete, you gonna stay over for Christmas?" "Cant, mum called family over for Christmas." "Ooh, unlucky." I sat next to Sirius. "Oi Prongs, hows my brother doing?" "He's asleep, why?" "Just wanna make sure that he's not too shaken up over his letter." "You might want to check up on him, he wasn't doing too good." "Surely hes not that shaken up, is he?" "Remember that he still saw them as his parents." "He needs to get over himself, really. They do all this shit to us and he still cares about them? Please, hes being a baby." I hated how he said that, but I quickly remembered Sirius'd gone through a lot. "All right mate, just go up to him." He sighed. "Okay." he tapped me in the back and went upstairs.

After about half an hour they both came down. Regulus sat down next to me, and Sirius next to him. "Okay," Peter broke the silence. "Lily and Marlene asked if they could hang out here with us for a while. Is that alright Prongs?" I looked at the two brothers. They didn't mind. "Sure, they can come round whenever they want." "Good, cause they wouldn't take no for an answer, they should be outside right no-" There was a loud bang at the door "OI, OPEN UP." I got up to open the door and they came bursting in. "Jamie~, its so good to see you." Lily threw her hands around me. "oh, uhm, hi Lily." I forgot that the last time we spoke I was head over heels for her. She definitely remembered. "Lets go sit." She dragged me to the couch and sat in between me and Reg. He bugged up to Sirius when that happened. "So, Lily, you must've missed James then, or you wouldn't be clinging to him so much." "What, James is my friend. My very special friend, right Jamie~" I didn't respond to her, I only shifted away from her slightly. Marlene sat on the ground next to the coffee table. "Oh, can I get anybody a drink?" Remus and Sirius asked for waters, and Marlene asked for a coffee. I got up and Lily watched me, frowning. Someone else got up followed me into the kitchen

. Once we were in the kitchen I spun around. "Not right now Li-" "Sorry, but im not the redhead you were expecting." "oh, hey Reg, you alright?" "Tsk tsk, that's not what you ask somebody when they're parents just died James. I thought you knew that already." I slapped my forehead. He grabbed my hand. "Oi, no slapping your head. Even if its not painful, okay?" "Okay love." "So, what is it you need to make?" "Remus and Sirius want water, and Marlene wants a coffee." "Where is the water?" "In the fridge." "He grabbed out two bottles of water. "Hey, Sirius, catch." He threw them both to him and he caught them." "Eh, I could've done better." He rolled his eyes an passed a bottle to Remus. Reg stepped back inside the kitchen. "Whys Lily so clingy to you all of a sudden, she's always rejected you." "I'm not sure. Shes probably just being nice." "Okay." he looked down. "Hey, I don't have any feelings for her anymore. I love you, and only you. Okay?" "Okay." He grabbed a glass and poured some water into it. I finished Marlene's coffee and gave it to her and sat down. Regulus soon followed me. He sat on the ground besides Marlene and they started talking.


Lily kept on moving closer to James making him uncomfortable. He regularly glanced at he to see if I was watching him. I looked at Sirius and he looked back at me "Tu vas bien Reg?" "Emmenez-la loin de lui, regardez comment il ne va pas bien." He looked at the two, how James was fidgety and Lily was right next to him, practically sitting on his lap. He whispered to Remus and he also looked. "Hey, Lily, c'mere me and Sirius need your help with something." "Okay." Lily got up and James immediately relaxed. Marlene was sitting down besides Peter and they began talking. I went and sat next to James. "You okay now?" "Yeah, thanks." "Why is she like this all of a sudden?" "She probably feels bad. The last time we properly talked was about a week before Christmas. She told me that I'll end up growing old and dying alone. I got upset and she feels bad." "What? Why'd she say that?" "I asked her out a lot. She got sick of it." "Jamie~ I'm done helping the others, now we can talk again." She came and sat in between me and James, pushing me off the couch. I got up and went over to Sirius. "Is she usually like this?" "No, she usually avoids James, speaking of James, he hasn't really been talking about her much since we got here. It seems like he doesn't like her anymore." "Wait, has James fallen for somebody else? Pads, do you know what this means?" "Merlin moony, its finally happening." "What's happening?" "Shut up Reg, We need to think." They started whispering to each other.


I looked over at Regulus. He was watching Lily as she was holding onto me and playing with my hair. I hated when she did this. He wasn't blinking. I smiled at him but Lily started talking to me again. She was talking to me and whispering in my ear, she kept looking back to check if people were watching. Then she kissed me. Everybody turned to look at us and Regulus just looked hurt. I pulled away from Lily. "What the fuck Lily?" "What? I thought you liked me?" "No lily, I don't. You cant just expect me to after what you said to me." "Wait, what did she say?" Marlene was looking at me, everyone was looking at me, waiting for me to speak. "Go o Lily, tell them what you said to me the week before break." She just looked at me. "Well, its not like I meant it. You love me, don't you?" "No, Lily, I don't. You ruined it for yourself." I went upstairs and Marlene started asking Lily what happened.

I went in my room and sat down on my bed and closed my eyes. I had my knees pushed up against my chest and my head pressed against my knees. Somebody came in and sat beside me. They began rubbing my back, making it impossible to keep in my tears. I began to sob, I couldn't stop myself. Years of pain and sadness I couldn't remember feeling just exploded out of me. "Its okay James, just let it out." Regulus whispered in my ear. He grabbed my hand and comforted me for a while.

"Hey, you feeling better?" "Mhm." I was laying my head on his lap, playing with his wrings. "What do you want to do, everyone else is still down there. I think Lily wants to apologise." "I can go down there if everyone else wants me to." "No, James, I didn't ask you what they want, I didn't ask what I want, I asked you what you want to do, James, not anybody else." "I guess I'd like to stay here. I think." "Okay. We can do that, but, James, can I ask you a question?" "Sure, what?" "You know how you know about how I um," He pulled up his sleeve." "Do, this." I nodded my head. "Do you dod it too, I saw your arm earlier while we were talking in the kitchen." "I-I, um," "Its okay, you don't need to say anything to me if you don't want to. Just know that if you want to talk, I'm always free." I didn't know how to respond, I'd never really thought about it. "Thanks Reg." "Hey," His face lit up. "I have an idea. Wait a sec."

He got up and went over to his suitcase and grabbed out a marker. He came over and sat back down next to me. "Can you give me your arm?" I put my arm out and He began drawing over the scars. He drew small stars and connected them all. "You like astronomy, right?" "Yeah." "What's your favourite constellation?" "I think, Leo." He chuckled. "That's funny." "Why?" "You know the star names?" "Yeah." "Can you name the two brightest stars?" "Um, the second brightest star is Denebola, I think, then it is," He was smiling at me. "I didn't know you were named after a star." "Most of my family is, or a constellation." "Orion, Bellatrix, Regulus." "Wow, that's really cool." "Okay, I'm done." I looked down and saw that he had created a bunch of different constellations around my arm, With Leo in the centre. He wrote a small thing in French besides it. "What does the writing say?" "Je suis fier de toi mon amour. It translates to, Im proud of you my love." I smiled, and hugged him. "You're okay. I'm here for you James." 

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