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The next day


I woke up to Regulus squirming as I was snuggling up next to him. I looked at the clock near me, 9:34, he tried loosening myself from my grip, it didn't work. "Go back to sleep, its too early." "But Sirius-" "Sirius can go fuck himself, go back to bed." He just lay properly back down and I slightly smiled. "What are you staring at Baby Black?" "Aw, back with the nicknames again Jamie?" "Yep, it suits you." "Of course it does." "Did you get called last night?" "No, so I should today." "More of a reason to get some more sleep, I'll lock the door, put a silencing charm, and if its that important, I can put the invisibility cloak over you, and say you left." "Invisibility cloak?" "I found it in the room of requirement and decided to keep it." "Didn't know it was a thing." "Lucky Jamie, I have a special item and you don't." "Get off your high horse Potter." "Make me Black" He smirked at me. "What are you going to do?" "You'll see."

Regulus reached up to me, bringing his face closer to mine while grasping my collar to bring me closer. Our lips brushed together, he then licked them, still looking at me the whole time. I did nothing to prevent him from gently slipping his tongue into my mouth. His hands then ran up the back of my head, tugging my hair. He then pulled my closer with his other hand, as I thumbed his jaw. As he did this, my mind turned to a bliss. My thoughts, revolving around the feeling. His body pushed up against mine, his tongue in my mouth, his hands tugging my hair as a slid my tongue against his, the sound of his breathing as he pulled away from me for air. After about five seconds I pulled back in, I shifted him off of my chest, he loosened the grip on my hair and neck to lay down beneath me. He then grasped my jawline and re connected our lips. After about a minute he breaks away for the final time. "Your staying in bed Regulus." He smirks at me again. "Whatever you say mon amour" It took a while, but id realised that I was on top of him, pinning him to the bed. I get off of him and lay next to him and he smirks at me again and picks up a book to read.

"Whatcha staring at Jamie?" "At hell on earth." "Hmm, do I take it as an insult, or complement." "Whatever you think Regie." "Okay Jamie, but the cat went into Sirius' room, and hes allergic to cats so hes going to go into a sneezing fit in three," I look over at the door. "two," I hear cluttering from the room. "and one." Just as he says that, I hear sneezing and coughing, along with yelling and screaming. " Im going to go get my cat, and probably send him to Pans for the rest of left break." He got up and put on a jumper over his vest (Tank top) and left the room.

Regulus came back about half an hour later and smiled at me, now reading a comic book. "Why do you read those things, their just graphic pictures with hardly any words." "Its entertaining." "Its daft." "Have you ever read one?" "Well, no, but mother said th-" "And has your mother ever told you the truth?" "That's besides the point, mother says a lot of things, they may not be true but they're always the right thing." "Talk to Sirius about this stuff." "Why? You're accusing my mother of lying to me, its not as if its a small white lie, your implying that she's been lying to me for fourteen years James," "Reg you're st-" "You don't know anything about what went on at that house since Sirius left, do you even know when he left?" "Reg you need to calm down, you're beginning to-" "He left me five years ago, this is the first break I've gotten from them apart from school. You have this perfect life, and loving family," "Regulus, your having an anxiety attack, calm do-" "And don't have to worry about fearing for your life whenever you step outside. Don't act like you know how it feels to be In my shoes." He was shaking and digging his nails into the sides of his wrists and scratching them, causing them to bleed. Blood starts dripping down his arms. "Regulus, you need to calm down, I know you're upset, but you're not okay right now, just try and calm down then we can talk a-" "WHY CANT EVERYONE STOP TELLING ME TO CALM DOWN." When he said that a tear dropped down his cheek, he then walked out of the room while I was calling his name.


I bumped into Sirius while I was walking out. "Hey little brother, why you in such a hurry." I forgot that James put a silencing charm on the door, so nobody could hear us. He looked at me properly and noticed my wrists, I hadn't even realised, his expression changed drastically. "Whats wrong Reg?" I didn't even speak, I just walked down the stairs and left the house. Im not even sure where I was planning to go. I just didn't want to stop and go back. I found a small park with a little duck pond in the middle. I put my hand in my pocket and found about £3 so I went to go buy some bread in the supermarket across the road from me. I got a loaf of bread, and a small glass bottle of a drink called 'Coca-Cola'. I opened the packet of bread and a small duck immediately swam up to me. I broke off a piece of bread and threw it in the water besides it. After I did that a few more came up to me, then more, I'd ended up finishing the loaf of bread in about half an hour. I sat on the bench besides the pond and watched as people walked by, I was just thinking about what happened before, I just started yelling, and I couldn't seem to stop. Someone came and sat down next to me. I knew who it was but didn't look at him, just looked down at the ground. I noticed that that the blood had stopped pouring out o f my arm everywhere but on my mark, it was still dripping down my arm like water off a leaf. I touched it and immediately flinched, it began to sting much more than any other cut I've had. "Reg," He said it much gentler then I've ever heard him. He put his hand on my hand and I look up at him. "Im sorry for saying that, I didn't realise how much it'd affect you." "You didn't know. Its way less hard on Sirius to talk about." "But I should've known." "You had no way too, I just had so much bottled up and couldn't take it anymore. You're in no way to blame." "But still, I'll be ore thoughtful next time." I just smile. "You're adorable, y'know that." "Only you could say such a thing." "That doesn't make it any different." "Stop James." "Okay, but only if I can do this." He leaned in and pecked me on the lips. "Are you serious?" "No, im James." "Oh fuck off James." He does it again but for longer, and thumbs my jaw line. After a good ten seconds I pull away. "James, its different in a room with a locked door, we're in public, not even in a normal place, this is a muggle park. Wait till we go back for merlin's sake." "Okay, but I'd also like to sort all of 'this' out, kay?" "Okay, but lets go back now, okay Jamie?" "Okay Regie." We walked back to the potters house. And I was smiling.

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