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Next day

I woke up at 5am and got out of bed. The others were still asleep so I tried my best to be quiet. I got up and chose some clothes to wear for the day. I then got in the shower. After I finished I put my clothes on and had to put my hair lower then usual. . My parents don'tapprove with growing your hair out. I did it as good as I could. I then grabbedmy wand and made my way to Gryffindor tower. Just as I thought, when I arrivedSirius was there waiting for me. "Hey "Hey petit frère. How are you doing?" "As good as you can be under these circumstances." "You do know that your hair looks shit?" "I tried to do it how you do." "You're shit at doing it though. I'll fix it. Turn around." I turn around and he began by taking hair out of my eyes, then he takes a long pin out of his hair, letting his hair fall out. He then ties my hair up and tucks it under, so it cant be seen. They'd approve of this less then what you did but, who cares what they think. He then adds the pin into the middle of it and hides that in my hair aswell. "And, done." "Thanks, grand frère." "No problem." I turn around and hug him, for the first time in what feels like forever. He hugs me back. "Mary and Lily are awake, wanna go say hi?" "Sure." we walk into the Gryffindor common room.

Lily gets up and hugs me. "I'm gonna miss you Reg." "I'll miss you to Lils" " Is everyone still asleep?" "Yep, not early birds, I'm quite surprised Sirius is awake." "Its easier when something big is happening." "Reg, can you stay with us for a while?" "Fine, only because I'm leaving." "YES. That reminds me, James and Remus should be waking up about now." "They're the earliest?" "Surprising, huh. "Very." "Its only 6:10 most of my common room was awake at 5." "Slytherin families are known for being snobby and prestigious." "When are you meant to be leaving Reg?" Mary turns and looks at me. "My guess is 7:10. They would've left 6:40 and it takes half an hour to get here from the train. I'm going to go back to my dorm and finish getting ready." I get up and walk to my common room. I arrive in my dorm and Barty runs up to me, crying. "Hey, Barts, what's wrong." "Their gonna do it to us too, Ev got a howler saying we'll go home tomorrow. Their taking both me and Ev." "I'm so sorry Barts." "We don't Deserve this Reg, Were just kids." "I know Barts," I say hugging him, "I know." Evan just looks up at me, puffy eyed. "We don't deserve this."


I walk outside to see Kreacher sitting in a car. Sirius is behind me and I give him one last hug, both crying. "Bye Sirius." "Bye Regie." I get in the car and wipe the tears off my cheek. "Hello Master Regulus." "Hello Kreacher." Kreacher still calls me Regulus, unlike my parents. "What would Dear Mistress do to Kreacher if she knew Master Regulus was with that blood traitor." "Dear Mistress does not need to know, does she Kreacher." "No Master Regulus." He grumbles. I look out the window, Sirius is hugging Remus, crying. We begin to drive off. 

Fireworks || JegulusOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora