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I was greeted by James sitting down on the bed and smiling at me. "Hey Reg, you've been gone a while. How was it?" I just sat down next to him. "Whats wrong Reg?" "O-Oh, uh, nothing. Im just tired." "If you say so." I went and sat down next to him. "I can tell that somethings wrong, tell me." "Its fine, there's nothing." "If you say so." He looks quite worried when he said that. He put his arm around me and I moved closer to him. He was reading another comic book. "Whats this one about?" "Its called The Incredible Hulk." "That guy?" I point at a muscular green human holding a tore apart car. "Yeah, he was in a lab and was exposed to heavy doses of gamma radiation, so when he gets angry he turns into this guy." "And why is he green?" "Printing issues." "So nothing to do with him being exposed to gamma radiation?" "Nope, he was originally meant to be a weird gray colour but they printed so many copies that the printer couldn't handle it." "Hm." "Its quite far-fetched, but its entertaining to read."


"So, seven days until your first, official, Christmas?" "Well, I guess." "So, what are we going to do?" "I don't know? Do what I normally do. Maybe give presents?" "Why not celebrate with Barty." "Its normal. He hates Christmas with a burning passion." "Why?" "I don't know, just not his thing." "Then, why don't we all go to Hogsmeade?" "Too many people, there are always carol singers and plays." "Okay," I thumbed his jaw, " I love you, but you are so hard to please." He did the most 'Regulus thing' I've ever seen. "You're one to speak." He bit my finger after saying that. Not enough to be painful. But just enough to shock me into moving away. "Ouch, gosh, there was no need to do that." "I know, I did it for fun." I rolled my eyes at him in response. "Hey, that's my thing." We sat talking for a while until he grasped his stomach and whispered "Ouch." I realized that he was much more tense the usual, he looked quite uncomfortable, he had rested his head on his hand. "Hey, Reg, are you feeling okay?" I said that putting my hand on his. "I'm fine." He said shaking my hand off. All of that sounded strained. I sat up straighter to face him properly, noticing the upset expression on his face and his fists slightly clenched. "Are you sure, we don't need to keep going on about this if you don't want to." "Its okay, James." He closed his eyes for a moment. "its just... I cant focus properly right now." He turned around and looked away out the window. I noticed that his hand was beginning to shake. There was clearly something bothering him, but he was so against saying what. He rapidly grasped his stomach with his right hand. I notice how, well, how he hasn't been eating much sinse he got here. I mean, Regs always been skinny. Its just how its always been. But hes looked a lot more pale recently. He slightly winces and I immediately begin to worry. "Reg, have you been eating enough recently?" He just turns too look at me. Clearly in pain. "James, seriously, im fine." "Saying that doesn't convince me at all." I frown at him. "You've hardly ate sinse you got here." "I-," He looked down "Well, yeah. I guess." He whispered. "When did you last eat?" "Like two days ago." "Reg-" "James im okay." "You need to eat Reg, you don't function properly if you don't." "I know." He got more defensive when he said that. I calmed down and tried lowering my tone, being angry was doing good for nobody. "Reg, whats wrong." I was practically whispering. "I... I just don't feel like eating right now." "Don't feel like it?" "Im not hungry." "Why not?" "I don't know." He just scrunched his legs over to his chest and rested his head on top of his knees. He began repetitively running his hand through his hair. "Its okay that you don't know." I realized how hard it must be to think straight on low blood sugar. I put my hand on his back. "Do you remember what you last ate?" "Like, a piece of toast." "Do you remember what with?" "No." "That's fine, thanks for being honest." He just looked at me, still clenching his stomach. "What else did you eat yesterday?" "Uhm, well, nothing." "Okay, thank you for being honest." "Mhm." That was all he managed to say. "Do you feel like your going to throw up or anything?" he just nodded and closed his eyes. "Want to go into the bathroom?" "I don't know." "Do you feel like you're about to be sick, like, right now." "I think." "So, lets get up and go to the bathroom." "Okay."

I got up and pulled him up aswell. "Want me to get Sirius?" "Mhm." I took him to the bathroom and sat him down on the floor. His head over the toilet. "I'm going to go get Sirius, okay?" "Okay." I ran downstairs and Sirius wasn't there. I rushed around the house but him and Remus were nowhere to be found. I went back up to Regulus and he was looking worse then how I left him. "Reg, Sirius isn't in the house right now. Want me to stay with you?" "Please." I sat down next to him and he looked really pale. After about three minutes he moved his head more over the toilet bowl. He takes a sharp gasp and then began throwing up whatever was left inside of his stomach. I began rubbing the side of his back slightly as he continued. I moved some of the hair out of his face when he'd stopped for a moment. The cycle repeated for about ten minutes. After a while he stopped, fully. He then started heavy breathing, near hyperventilating. "Hey, Hey. You're okay, im here. Ive got you." I clung onto him slightly and he began to calm down. "You feel any better?" "He slowly nodded and reached for some toilet paper and whipped his face. "He just turned around and looked at me. He'd been crying. His hair was all sweaty, his eyes puffy, sweat on his forehead. "I'm sorry-" "No need to be sorry love, It only matters if your okay." He just lay his head on me. He was freezing. "Wanna get up now?" "He tried to get up but fell back down again slightly. "No need to rush, I can help you." I helped him up and put his hand around my shoulder.

We got to the bed and I lay him down. He was basically asleep by the time I'd gotten a blanket to put on him. I put it on him and kissed his forehead. "Goodnight." I was hesitant to say it. "I love you." He was fast asleep "I love you Regulus." I just went downstairs.

I kinda love this. Idk. My friend made me do this and, for being forced, it turned out better then I thought. Okay, its like 04:22 and I need to be up at 06:15 so i'm gonna go to bed. Gn guys. Also 1266 words in half an hour is quite good for me, don't you think? Okay i need to sleep. Bye-Bye


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