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I go into my dorms and see Evan and Dorcas yelling at each other. "Jeez, I can hear you from the common room. Why are you yelling?" "Dorcas thinks that Elton John is better then Pink Floyd." "Elton John is a legend." "No Pink Floyd is obviously better." "Who names their band 'Pink Floyd'" "What do you think Reg?" "You're both wrong." David Bowie and Queen are the best of all time. Barty will agree with me." "That, he will." "Sirius got a bunch of vinyl records of David Bowie and Queen from Effie and Monty for Christmas." "Well, I'm going to go steal them from my brother. Don't tear each other apart while I'm gone." "No promises Regulus."

While im on my way to Gryffindor Tower I get stopped. "Oi, Black." "What do you want Snape?" "Just the daily reminder that your such a disappointment that not even Dumbledore likes you. Imagine being so unloved that not even your parents care about you." Mulciber starts snickering and I start to walk off. (Slur) "Faggot." Snape yells as walk away. I turn the corner, still hearing Snape and Mulciber yelling insults at me. I start taking random turns all around the school to get away from anyone, the school isn't usually this packed on weekends. Usually people are at Hogsmeade or just stay in their dorms. I keep walking and walking but I cant seep to find the way to Gryffindor tower. I seem to be walking in circles. I cant seem to find anybody. I don't recognise where I am. I keep walking until I see someone. I find myself walking over to them. I cant recognise who it is yet. I get closer and then realise who it is. I speed up as I hear them speak to me. "Heya Baby Black. You alright?" I don't say anything. I just stand next to him and he puts his arm around me. "What's wrong?" I still didn't say anything to him. "Its okay if you don't want to tell me. Lets just go to Sirius, okay?" I just nod my head and we start walking.

We end up getting to the Common room to find only Sirius and Remus in there. I sit don next to Sirius and he whispers in my ear. "What's wrong, Petit frère?" I tell him what happened and he just hugs me. "Its okay, don't worry about him." For the first time in a while, I feel a tear fall down my cheek. I'm not quite crying. Just kind of, sad. "Don't worry Petit frère." I look around the room and see James looking sad and feel Remus patting my back. I just close my eyes in Sirius' arms.

I wake up to only Sirius and James still in the room with me. Its 12pm. Lunch is soon. James is writing a letter, he hasn't realised I've woken up already. Sirius is still fast asleep. I'm not sure if I should try and move but I don't want to wake him up. "You wont wake him up if you move. He can sleep through anything." "Oh, thanks." "Want me to help you get him off you?" "Please." We end up getting him off me and laying him down on the couch. "Thanks for helping me get him off." "No problem Baby Black. He did the same thing to me first year." "I guess he just does it to the people he feels most comfortable around." Remus walks in the room. "James, have you seen the Profit?" "No?" "Read it." Remus threw a copy to James. James catches it and starts reading it. "Regulus, why not come with me?" "What? Why?" "Just go with Remus." "Okay?" I walk over to Remus and we start walking. "Where are we going? And why did you want me out of there so much? I'm 16, not 7." "Just don't want you to be there for Sirius' meltdown." "Your lying. What does it say about me in the profit?" "H-How did you kno-" "Just tell me Remus, please." Remus sighs. "Your parents, they wrote about you." I feel my heart sink "They said that their taking you out of school for a while, because of what Dumbledore said about you." I just froze "When will they do it?" "Tomorrow." "I'm missing the quidditch match then, aren't I." "Yeah." "does it say how long their going to take me out for?" "No." "I'm going to my dorm." "No, Reg, wa-" "Don't worry Remus, I'm okay." I speed off leaving Remus there.

I go into my dorm and lay face down on my bed. Luckily nobody is in there to see me in such a mess. There is a copy of the profit on the chest of drawers next to the bed. I take it and look at what the quote my parents put into it. 'Regulus will be returning home for a while. He will not be coming back any time soon. I refuse to answer any questions.' I remember that I need to sort out my team for the match tomorrow. I owl them, saying that Gracie will be able to fill in, though she's the youngest, she is by far the most capable of being the seeker. As I'm writing, Evan come in. "Hey Reg." "Hey Ev." "You alright?" "Yeah, just sorting out quidditch." "I can fill in if you want. I'm a good beater if I do say so myself." "That's actually exactly what I need, you sure your okay with that?" "Yeah, ill be fine, and if you don't win then you can blame me." "Thanks Ev." "No problem Reg." I begin to write down that Evan will be my replacement and then use Geminiois (Duplication spell) on it and then send it with Evan's owl. "Thanks Evan." "no problem Reg." "You do know that ill kill you if we don't win." "I know." "Im gonna get some sleep, need to wake up really early tomorrow." "Bye Reg" "Night Ev."

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