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Later that day

James walked up the stairs and sat down besides me. "Hey, little star." "What do you want?" "Ouch, cant I just come up and see my boyfriend?" "Boyfriend, the word sounds so, tacky." "What would you prefer?" "Anything but Boyfriend really." "Okay, I'll stick with the other nicknames." "Now, what is it you need form me? Sirius told me I need to 'repay you' for helping me yesterday." "What? NO, I was just being nice." "Okay." "But now that you mention it." "Whatever you want, just not right now." "Okay. That gives me a lot of time to decide then." "Wow, lucky you." He came and sat next to me. "What are you reading?" "Im not reading, im writing, poems." "Can I hear?" "Maybe later, they're all in French so I don't think you'd understand." "Come on, try me." "Fine," I rolled my eyes and flicked a few pages back. "Its tacky, but sweet." "Your stalling, im not going to forget about it if you keep talking." "Dans mon esprit tout divague, je me perds dans tes yeux Je me noie dans la vague de ton regard amoureux Je ne veux que ton âme divaguant sur ma peau Une fleur, une femme dans ton cœur Roméo." "I understood none of that, but it was still really sweet." I could feel myself turning red and I immediately looked away. "What about that part, its crossed out." "It says, 'Aime-moi jusqu'à ce que les roses fanent'." "What does that mean?" "Love me until the roses wilt." "He smiled when I said that. "French is one of the coolest languages." "Its also the fouth hardest european language to learn. After Hungarian, Russian and Finnish. And the ninth hardest language to learn internationally." (I searched all of this up on google) "So, I have no way of learning it?" "If you put time and effort into it, sure, but it'll be hard." "Je t'aime Jamie." "Now I have no idea what that means either." "You'll soon figure It out." James just smiled at me and lay down. He then pulled me down on top of him. I let out a high pitched yelp when he did this. "Merlin, you could've warned me next time." "Wheres the fun in that?" Im going out with Narcissa later, so I need to have a shower." I try and get up but James pulled me back down. "James, im not kidding, I need to go." "Later, its only four pm." "Im leaving at seven." "So you can get ready at half six. Two hours and a half to stay in bed with me." "You're such a baby." "You may be right, b ut im also your boyfriend." "Word." "I'll use it as much as I want. You need to get used to it." "Im still going to cringe at the word." "Sucks to be you then." "I guess it does Jamie."

REGULUS, OPEN THE FUCKING DOOR." "guess I cant relax, sorry James." I get up and walk over to the door. I unlock it and Sirius walks in. I shut the door behind him. James had put the cloak over him, so Sirius didn't know he was there. "When were you going to tell me you joined the death eaters?" "I mean, I did didn't i?" "No?" "Oh right, you were high." "You should've told me first, im your brother." "I thought you'd react badly." "Why did you do it?" "What, you think I wanted this?" "Of course I do, you have Voldemort shit all over your room, and you're the perfect child for Walburga and Orion." "I did that to seem convincing, I didn't want to die by the wands of my parents." "You're stuck you've only got yourself to blame." Sirius screamed louder, trying to get people to hear. "Oh, yes, its all my fault isn't it." "Its my fault that I had to deal with the abuse of both my parents at the same time, Its my fault that I cant leave Hogwarts without fearing for my life or yours because im the selfish one here. Its my fault that when I speak out of line I get tortured until im barely alive. ITS MY FAULT THAT I WAS HELD DOWN, SCREAMING IN AGONY, WHILE THEY TATTOOED A SKULL ON MY WRIST BECAUSE WHO WOULD EVER WANT ME, STUPID REGULUS BLACK." Sirius stood there with wide eyes. and just stared at me. But i kept going."I MUST HAVE KEPT QUIET BECAUSE IT WAS EASY, BECAUSE I WANTED MY LIFE TO BE LIKE THIS. AND ITS ALL MY FAULT THAT I FLINCH AT SOMEONE HOLDING their WAND IN THEIR FUCKING HAND." I felt a Tear fall down my cheek, but i still didn't stop "it couldn't possibly be because our parents are abusive and im absoloutley terrified of them." I couldn't breathe. I just felt Sirius wrapping me in a hug as I sobbed. I just didn't know what to do.

I found myself laying on the bed with James clinging to me. Sirius had left, probably feeling bad, and It was getting close to six. "James, I need to get ready." "Stay for a bit longer." "James," I tried to get up but he just pulled me back down. "Jamie, let me go." "No, you can wait longer, and im comfortable with you here." "Im going to murder you," "Okay, but do it later." He just clung to me. The harder I struggled, the tighter it got. I shuffled around to face him "James, just let me go." "Make me." I rolled my eyes and kissed him passionately. He relaxed and thumbed my jaw. Doing that got him to loosen his grip on my enough for me to get up. "There you go, I made you." He just looked up, I don't think he even processes what happened. I grabbed some clothes from my bag and walked into the bathroom. James threw me one of his jumpers. "Wear this." "But its yours." "So?" "They'll notice." "One, I've never worn it. Two, Barty knows. Three, It'll look good on you." I just rolled my eyes and took off the jumper I was wearing, put his one on. "Happy?" "Very." "Okay, see you later." "Going so soon?" "Yeah?" "Its only 18:50 you still have ten minutes." I came and sat next to him. "This what you want?" "Yep." He smiled, it was cute. "Okay, now what? I whip out a book and no talking until I leave?" "Or, you could tell me where your going, and then kiss me goodbye." "Your such a child." "I am not." "Im going to a muggle park with Barty, Evan, Narcissa, Bellatrix, Alice and Rita." "A lot of people." "Yeah, so?" "You wont get overwhelmed?" "They're my family, I'll be fine." "If you say so." He kissed me and then I got up to leave. 

Sorry that these last 4 chapters have been quite short, i twisted my ankle and have to stay inside and do work online. I'll pre-write the next few chapters, and i'll try to make them quite long. Bye Ml 


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