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What lesson d'you have next, petit frère?" "Transfiguration, you?" "Same, I'm going to get going, you coming?" "May as well." We get up and start walking, James and Remus follow us. Remus speeds up and starts a conversation with Sirius. Someone whispers in my ear. "Has Sirius told you yet?" I jump at the sound and quickly turn to James. "No, he hasn't, but they're not exactly discreet about it." "Hm they're not are they." "Nope." "So, Baby Black, how are you doing now." "Better, still a bit lightheaded, I almost fell over when I left the hospital wing. I actually feel like I'm about to fall now so, I'm great." "You're smart." "Thanks?" "You know how to deceive people, make it seem like your eating when you have nothing at all." I don't know what you're talking about." I speed off in a hurry and walk into the classroom.


"Potter, Regulus. Stay behind" "Why does he want to see us?" "James, how in the world would I know?" "Okay, James, your grades are slipping, so you're going to be getting tutored. And I've chosen Regulus to do it. Regulus, you are my top student and I think would really help boost James' grades. So are you two up for it. "I'm fine with it." "Great, Regulus?" "I guess so." "Perfect. You both are dismissed to lunch." 


So, if we actually want to win against Gryffindor, we're going to have to train harder then ever before. They've been doing extra practices recently and seem to be doing a lot better. Now despite what that old hag has to say about us, we are one, if not the best house here. Now, get up there and start practicing." As the other members of the team start practicing, Gryffindor come over and goes to get their brooms. "What are you doing Potter? You know very well that we have the pitch today." "I know, I thought we could do a friendly starter match, you know, for fun." "And why would we do that exactly, so you can memorise our moves and try and create new methods that counter act our tactics?" "Well, maybe just for fun to got us all riled up and ready for training." "Fine, nobody gives a shit anyways." We have a surprisingly long match  that took the whole practice and, as I thought, Slytherin won. "Wow Gracie, you really live up to your title." "HOW DID YOU WIN." "Aw James, I'm sorry you didn't win, Sirius come and comfort your friend." Sirius scoffs as James began to sulking even louder. "I lost to Slytherin." I begin to walk away and I hear footsteps following me. I begin to speed up, trying to avoid him. I end up taking a few sharp turns around the school, just trying to lose him. I cant find any of my friends as they're still in lesson. And Sirius was still talking with his other team-mates. I end up walking over to the astronomy tower and sitting down, obviously James has to do the same. There is silence for a long time. "So, you won, congratulations." I only look at him, and then I look back down. "I get that you don't want to talk to me about, that, but why not go up to my common room, and just like, hang out. You're my best friend's brother. I want to get to know you better." "Okay." I don't even look at him, I just, get up and start walking there.

We get there and find Remus in there. "Why aren't you in class?" "Regulus, do you really think I want to go to some crappy herboligy lesson?" "Well, no but, you don't seem like the type of person to skip." "I'm a lot of things you don't know about." "And some, your not too good at hiding." He shoots me a worried look. But as he does Sirius walks in "Hello Reg, Hello Remus, Hello person incapable of winning a quidditch match against a 4th year." He shoots James a look. "Its not that big a deal Sirius, its Just a quidditch match." "Just, a quidditch game, JUST A QUIDDITCH GAME, how dumb are you." "It was just a friendly match, pre-game." "Regulus, my cute; little; small; baby brother, I lost a game against you, THAT'S A BIG DEAL." "How?" "It just is, okay." "Okay, if it'll shut you up." I'm gonna leave, might go up to the library, or astronomy tower." "UGH, the library, petit frère is boring. I cant be seen with anyone who'll chose to go to the library in their own time." "Pads?" "Yes Moony?" "I'll have you know that Ms Prince is a lovely woman." "MOONY I DIDN'T I-I." "Aw Sirius, you've made Remus sad, Remus would you like to come to the library with me, and get away from that bully." "Yes please Reg." Sirius looks at me with disgust. I walk off with Remus, feeling Sirius' staring at me.

We get to the library and borrow a few books and sit down in Gryffindor common room. "So, you like my brother right?" Remus looks at me, red in the face. "Is it that obvious." "Yes, and other things are obvious." "W-What do you mean?" "Well, all of you leave every full moon, and I know Sirius is an animagus, he sheds like crazy. But I cant figure out what it is with you guys." "Wait, did you say that he sheds?" "You didn't know? He sheds like crazy." "So, do you know anything else?" "No? I can drop it all if you want." "No, um, I can tell you if you want." "Okay, I wont tell a soul." "Okay so, I'm a werewolf." "Oh, fun." "You're not scared?" "No, your nice and, if my brother trusts you, then so should I." "Oh, thanks Reg. Oh, sorry, should I call you that? Sirius says you hate nicknames." "You can call me that." "Thanks."

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