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Regulus had fallen asleep besides me. I checked the clock. 15:07. It had been about half a hour since me and Lily had fought. "What are you thinking about?" "Oh, nothing." "Lets go downstairs, they're still waiting." "Okay." "I'll go downstairs and wait for you." "Okay." "I love you," He kissed me. "Remember that." "I love you too." He got up and went over to the door, but stopped. "I wont tell anybody what happened, but you might want to put a jumper on. Okay." "Okay, but Marlene knows, I think." "Want me to say anything?" "Just, let her know I'm not okay, she'll understand." "Okay, see you in a minute Jamie." I smiled at him as he left the room.


I went down and everyone was talking, Lily was sitting down besides Sirius, he was talking to her calmly, I'm guessing she hasn't said what had happened. I walked over to Marlene and sat besides her. "How is he?" "Not so good, he said to tell you that hes not okay." "What do you mean by that?" "When he comes down, look at his left arm." She just looked confused. About a minute later James came down and sat beside me. "Hey, you any better." "I guess." Marlene grabbed his arm and gasped. "James, why didn't you tell me, I could've helped you." (MY HC IS THAT MARLENE AND JAMES ARE COUSINS. EFFIE AND MARLENE'S DAD ARE SIBLINGS.) "I know, but im okay now." I smacked his arm. "Only the truth. She's your cousin, if not you then I'll tell her." He whispered in Marlene's ear. "Aw Jay-Jay tell me this stuff next time." "I told you to stop calling me that." "Eh, it suits you too much. Ask your boyfriend." "My whAt?" "I told you Jay-Jay, I know everything." She was now looking at me. "But the Slytherin quidditch team captain, that's some romanticized story book shit right there. Enemies to lovers right there." "What the fuck Marle?" "My cousin used to read shit like this to me all the time. Look up Emmanuelle, its really popular among the Claws." "Er, that's just disgusting." "But it's the real shit you lot do when you've got a partner, isn't it?" "She does has a point James. I mean look at your two best mates." "Reg, you traitor." I just slightly smiled at him.

"Wait so did Lily tell you what happened?" "She just said that James had a fight with her." "No, that's not what happened, tell her James." "She said that I'd end up being a creepy old man, living a pathetic life, grow old, and die alone, in misery, and deserve every second of pain I have to deal with." We both stared at him, in utter shock. "You didn't tell me all of that happened." "Well I watered it down." Marlene smacked his leg. "ouch, Marly," "Well you shouldn't 'ave watered it down you idiot." He just shrugged and smiled. "Gosh, James Do I 'ave to do everythin' around 'ere." (IMAGENE MARLENE HAVING A GEORIDE ACCENT.) "Lily, come over 'ere, will ya." She came over and sat down. "Why'd you go and leave out so much of what 'appened." "What do you mean?" "Marlene, stop shouting." "You called him a creep, and you said he ought to suffer," "Marlene, stop shouting please." "Said he'd grow old and die alone," "Marlene, please." "In misery too." "Can we just stop talking about it, please. Its over, ain't it? I overreacted over something. Its not a big deal." "James," He'd turned to look at me. "You didn't overreact, it was horrible. You reacted normally for anybody in that situation." By then Lily was already grabbing her stuff. "That's it, you all are a bunch of pigs, its not all od your business if two people fight. I regret what I said, I really do. But I cant be expected to put up with all of this. Its not just my fault." And with that she left.


Me and James were in his room. I was reading, and he was sitting at his desk. "What are you studying?" "Potions, I need to write a paper on Wolfsbane. Slughorn said it'll 'help me do better in my N.E.W.T.S' Best thing is that I know nothing about it." "Oh, its easy," I grabbed a piece of paper and a quill from his desk. "The Wolfsbane Potion was an innovative and complex that relieved, but did not cure, the symptoms of . The main ingredient is , hence the name. The way one must imbibe it was very unique among potions, a goblet full of wolfsbane potion must have been taken each day for a week preceding the full moon; missing one dose alone, during such a night, was enough to invalidate all those that preceded it. This potion is extremely difficult to make and the ingredients are also very expensive, which makes it difficult for some to brew it themselves, as they usually live in poverty due to their difficulty in finding stable careers." I handed him the piece of paper. "How in the world do you know so much about it, your 5th year, you've barely started practicing for O.W.L.S" "Having a tutor helps, and I have practiced, a lot." "Why, its like a month away." "Im not even going to reply to that. Just, write." "So, Christmas day tomorrow, huh." "Yep. I'm dreading it." "Why?" "I'm not going to be here. Full day with Voldemort, from 4am to 10pm." "That's no fun, I was planning on going to Hogsmeade to buy gifts tomorrow." "dang it, I knew I was forgetting something. "What do your friends like?" "Which ones?" "Marlene, Sirius, Remus, Peter. OH and you of course." "Remus, books. Sirius, anything quidditch related. Marlene, muggle jewellery or clothing I think. Pete, anything sweet or chocolatey. Me, I don't know." "Come on, there has to be something you'd like. Hey, what's your favourite band. Sirius said you like queen or ABBA." "Probably ABBA, why?" "There, I have an idea for you." "Okay, we can talk more. But I'm going to lie down." "Okay, I should get some sleep."

Okay its like 7:52am and I haven't gone to sleep sinse yesterday morning. So im sorry some of these are short but ive just been pre writing these.

Love you all



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