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𝙘𝙝𝙖𝙥𝙩𝙚𝙧 𝙩𝙝𝙞𝙧𝙩𝙚𝙚𝙣 :


     THE TRIO RUSHED to hide

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THE TRIO RUSHED to hide. Loud footsteps were heard entering farther into the building, one dragging after the other. Rushed footsteps then the bump of a body colliding with the wall filled the room as the three simultaneously covered their mouths and tried to not make any noise. A groan would emit from the man before Bo continued, only to bump into another wall.

(F/N) looked over at her friends and saw them exchange a nod. Carly got into a ready position, presumably getting ready to attack.

Bo let out sounds of pain as he limped into the living room. (F/N) looked over towards Carly who was motioning for her to go to her, and the girl froze, she couldn't move right now with the piercing quiet. Waiting for Bo to stumble into another piece of furniture so there was noise before quickly sneaking over to her friend. Together they slid under the pool table.

Watching from below they saw Bo gripping his chest and holding his arm out awkwardly. He then went into the kitchen, which was where Nick was currently hiding.

The girls shared a concerned look as Bo turned on the lights and moved over to the sink.

No no no—please don't do it.

(F/N) wasn't talking about finding Nick—which she definitely didn't want to happen either—but instead, Bo who turned on the faucet had prepared to pull the arrow out of his arm.

Doesn't he have clippers of some kind to at least cut off the end?! He's a mechanic! Or would that take too long, and he doesn't seem patient but...still!?

Covering her mouth, she watched unwillingly as he yelled in pain, pulling the feathered end of the arrow through his bicep slowly. "Fuck!" He yelled as he finally reached the end of the arrow, slamming it beside the sink. His breaths got heavier as he grabbed a wet cloth before wrapping it around the wound.

He began to pull out the next in his chest when he vomited in the sink from the pain. Carly began to slowly push her head up from the backside of the pool table but (F/N) stayed under and watched Bo grab a thick pair of pliers. He snapped the arrow so he wouldn't have to pull it as much.

At least he got smarter, why couldn't he do that before. She held her mouth tighter as he reached up to grab the arrow once more.

The sound of a car pulling into the driveway spread through the house and before (F/N) knew it Carly was hurriedly joining her back under the table, gripping her bat tight as Bo stepped near them slowly. He passed them and pulled the window back to see who it was.

It must have been someone he knew since he let the curtain drop and began limping over to the door.

"Goddammit." He spoke with heavy breaths as he ripped open the door, "I told him..." His whispers faded out.

His yelling was next, "Hey! You don't ever leave here without me! You know better than that—don't be so stupid! What's the matter with you?!"

(F/N)'s eyes widened at the harsh, demanding words. She knew he wasn't a Saint but damn.

Quieter footsteps followed Bo back to the kitchen this time and (F/N) watched the familiar man she knew as Vincent enter her vision. Said male tried to grab the arrow end still sitting in Bo's chest but the man yelled "Don't!" making Vincent flinch backward and his hand goes limp. Only for a moment though. Then he attempted to reach once more.

"I said don't!" Bo pushed Vincent away, "Get!" He flared at the long-haired man who hung his head as he retreated to the other side of the kitchen.

"Fuckin' freak."

Vincent turned to his own business. He rummaged through the drawers before he pulled out and lit a match, lighting a candle before putting the match out. He moved further away from the door as he picked up the reflective toaster and a spoon.

The man began to hover the spoon above the candle flame until it was hot, then he began to rub it on his face.

It frightened the girl as she thought it was his bare face at first, but when she saw the small slit on his face begin to mold to the spoon, she realized it wasn't skin. It was wax. Vincent was wearing and now molding a wax mask, just like the statues. Is he the boy from the pictures with the scar on his face from the procedure?

"Hey," Bo came from behind Vincent as he spoke in a gentler, calm voice, "towns lookin' real good. We're gettin' closer to bein' finished with what ma started. Those two are good, they'll fit perfect...What'd I tell you huh? Don't they look more real now? Ma would be proud. Yeah." He nodded his head once Vincent paused his action of fixing his mask.

"She'd be real proud. She always said that your talent would make up for what God took away from you." Bo smiled as Vincent went back to his previous action, "There's two more—Watch out for a (Brunette, Blonde, etc.), I wanna deal with her myself."

(F/N) shot a worried look at Carly who returned it. Why am I being singled out? Both girls missed how Vincent shot Bo a strange look that only lasted for a second.

"We still got a lot of work to do." Once he finished his talk, Bo walked out of the kitchen gripping his chest. Taking a double look at something in the corner of the room.

(F/N) looked to see what caught his attention and cursed herself when she saw what it was. It was the last photo she had touched, of the Siamese twins, now sitting on the floor.

Crap I dropped it, I screwed up so bad. (F/N) looked towards Carly and saw her looking at it as well, her gaze switched from the photo to (F/N) and they made eye contact. The brunette nodded for the girl to move, and she did.

Bo picked it up and let out a breath, beginning to look around the room rapidly. He even checked under the pool table, but luckily the girls were gone by the time he got there.



Run bitch run.

I'm still not home, but thank
you all for the kind wishes :]

Posted: April 23, 2022
Rewrite: May 4, 2023
Words: 1104
Edited: ✘︎

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