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no matter how many events we go to, i can never be excited about it. these people have been seeing my face for years and they still request for me to be there. then when i get there, i'm bombarded by so many people. upcoming models, new photographers. what the hell am i supposed to do?

i can't take everyone under my wing.

but i try my best to be supporting.

right now we're getting ready to go and i'm tired of being here already. i'm getting my outfit put together then my hair and makeup is next.

speaking of makeup....lauren is my makeup artist. she wasn't really making it in the modeling but she's damn good at makeup. so i just switched her position and put her on my payroll for that. i didn't wanna just kick her off and she was fine with the switch so hey.

beyoncé still doesn't like her but we keep things cordial. sometimes. my wife has her days, i can say that. she'll be fine and then next thing you know she's ready to spazz because she feel like i'm being eyed like candy.

lyric and her friend kameron is here because i'm giving the little girl a huge opportunity. she's coming to this event with us and i'm gonna let her explore. she just might come out with an offer from a big person. you never know.

i just wanna see what she can do before i bring her in with me. it's best for beginners to experience with others rather than someone they know in this industry.

kameron showed me a book of her work and i really like it. but she did explain that she's much more interested in gaming so if this didn't work she would be fine. i'm glad i gave her michelle's number. she's very open to newcomers.

"khalil got me looking like a fucking sergeant."

"oh girl you look bad, stop. i love it." one of the other stylists spoke and i rolled my eyes. it's not ugly at all, i'm just short as fuck for this. the outfit is cute, im amazing. i just know that coming out in something different is gonna send them up in flames.

i'm usually real girly and prissy for these. i'm not wearing a lick of pink so that'll be the most surprising.

"are you ready for hair and makeup?"

"yea, we got two hours. let's go." i sat in the chair and my hair stylist tae took my hair from the ponytail. it's a mess i'm not even gonna lie. when i woke up this morning i didn't even do shit to it. all i did was shower and i showed up in pajamas. only because why put on some clothes that i'm just about to take off?

"ou girl you wanna make my job hard today."

i shook my head sighing. i'm already knowing this is gonna take forever. my patience.

"khalil did kameron get her outfit?" i mumbled as tae started to comb my hair out. i'm a bit tender headed for this. "she's a stem so don't give her no dress, she'll complain." her words not mine.

kameron is such a picky gay. like she won't wear a dress but she also won't dress in complete stud. it's cute on her because she's a really pretty young girl. i've learned that she's into jewelry and things like that. but it can't be "too girly" as she would say.

"yea, you think she'll like this?" he held up an outfit and i nodded. it's cute and i think she'll be comfortable especially because she'll be taking pictures. that's one thing about these, if you're a photographer do not show up trying to look like the model. you'll be mad.

i don't go to these things to take pictures. my work show enough for itself.

"yea. she may ask for a jacket or something. i don't know."

he nodded and went to the other side where lyric and kameron were. i don't care how much it's denied, they like each other. the way my baby girl be blushing it's obvious. every time kameron is talking to her it's in a sweet way and then she'll add a little pet name at the end.

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