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"ma why you sleeping in here?" lyric walked in the guest room with a scrunched face. i just shrugged glancing at her before going back to my computer. i'm not telling the kids anything. rumi already thinks that we're divorcing. that's not the case right now. hopefully ever.

beyoncé just been pissing me off and i don't know why. i need to take some time to myself so i won't do anything fucked up without caring. because i care and love her so much. like deeply. i don't wanna mess anything up. i'm aware that i can be such a butthole at times, so i'm trying to stop. i even have those moments where nothing matters. so that has to change because i just want a healthy relationship.

"y'all arguing again?"

"something like that." i mumbled not looking at her. this isn't the time for me to be talking about that. it's only been two nights, i still need time. well not really, i just don't wanna talk about it. i've been thinking that i overreacted. but she just kept pushing it. she know i'm easily irritated and she always pick even when i ask her to stop. like why do all that because i took MY phone? but whatever. "you didn't have work?"

"nah. kam and i are going out to eat with myrical later. finally a day that we're all off."

"sounds like us." i chuckled thinking about how none of my friends schedules match bey and i's. we're always fighting for a joint day. it never happens. i have more free days than any of them. "you need anything, money?"

"no im good ma. but i do wanna know why y'all are arguing. everything was just fine not too long ago."

"we're not really arguing, i just got mad and she just....said some things that shouldn't have been said. pulled at my heart."

"mmm. well y'all need to talk. she in there looking like she lost her dang job. and i'm tired of y'all going through this every other week."

"really?" i looked at her and she chuckled. aw my baby. im finna go talk to her. that was enough, i think that's the end. i'm not even upset, i think i've calmed down enough. yea?

had enough time to make a decision that would benefit us for the better. she's not gonna agree but....

i put my computer down and got out the bed quickly. for some reason lyric thought it was sooo funny. nothing is worth laughing about right now. she doesn't need to be looking sad. i'm not even mad. i just needed thinking space, that's all.

as soon as i left out the room, i ran into bey. she looked at me confused before her face softened. aw she does look like she just lost her dang job. my baby.

"are you good?" i stopped her from walking. she nodded her head before trying to continue and i stopped her again. "are you sure? i want you to know i'm not mad at you bey. i'm just trying to work on keeping myself calm but every little thing has been....itching at me. i'm sorry, it's not you mama."

"it's fine. i'm sorry for saying i hate you... i don't, you just made me upset."

"it's fine...can we talk about it?" i grabbed her hand and started to walk towards our room before she could respond. she closed the door, locking it and sat on the bed. "i'm sorry for getting upset....you were just playing with me, i shouldn't have left and did all that."

"i just need to realize when to stop. you kept telling me to but i didn't and i understand you leaving to get space. but you didn't have to cut your location off on me."

"i know. that was very petty of me."

"that was really all you did wrong. i kind of overreacted as well. i didn't have to keep pulling and pushing you. and i don't hate you, i actually love you very much."

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