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i sat there rubbing lyrics feet in her bed. she's been in her feelings because it's that time of the month. if i didn't like her i wouldn't be doing this shit. and i think she know it too because she keep wiggling her toes. but she's also sitting here pouting at the same time.

everyone's probably thinking that we sit in here like best friends all day. just coloring and talking girl talk. it's kind of like that....kind of. sometimes.

everything rumi says is true. that's why i just laugh when lyric gets upset about the stuff. that little girl is a trip but i really vibe with her. she's just like their mother, onika. i see lyric gets her ways from her mom beyoncé though.

just seeing how her moms are with each other, i can tell which child acts like who. kyri is definitely like onika. she can be quiet and distant like him sometimes. that's when it's best to talk to her because she's chill.

most likely high. but chill. i understand, that weed will do it better than anything. swear. getting high is just the beeesssttt shit.

i would never smoke in their home though. i'm
always leaving on a walk or something. same thing with my mothers house but she didn't understand that i respected her home. she wanted me gone the second she found out i smoked.

it was cool though, it wasn't surprising to me. she'd been threatening to put me out since i graduated. i was preparing to leave anyways, just didn't happen quick enough. still in the process though, i have an amazing job now.

i'm still working on my own place to stay, nothing stopped. lyric just wants to move in together as roommates. it's not a bad idea, i actually think it's a great one. our first apartment as friends. close ones.

really good ones at that.

"can my hands get a break mama?" i spoke softly and rubbed up her leg a little. i'm tired of touching feet man. she just pulled her feet away and got under the covers. "you good?"

"i'm fine. my stomach hurts though."

"you want me to make you some tea?"

"i want some milk."

"nahhh girl, i'm not getting you no milk lyric." i shook my head at her. she always want some milk, who just drinking that shit? nasty. then it be straight white milk. hell nah.


i huffed shaking my head and got up to go get her milk. i'm not getting her a lot, that's disgusting.

while i was getting her a glass, i noticed her mom come in the kitchen. the short fine one. she's so bad, she make me nervous when she be walking around half dressed. like that body....shit.

i don't have a crush on her or anything, but fine women being around me make me feel weird. i like women....so of course. but fine GROWN women? oh yea.

"hi." i spoke to her. i'll never not speak; that's rude. my mother taught me something. thank god it was manners if not anything else. she be bullshitting sometimes.

"lyric wanted warm milk?" she gestured to the jug and i nodded pouring some before sticking the glass in the microwave. i stood there waiting while ms.maraj made the only thing she can make on her own. a sandwich. "i like the way you treat her."

"mm?" i looked over at her and she smirked.

"i like the way you treat her. the way she acts like a princess in your presence tells me enough."

"oh...yea, well if it weren't for her i wouldn't be here so it's the least i could do." i got the milk out and an oven mitt to carry it. it's so damn hot why did i even do that?

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