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the way i slept last night should be a crime. i ate good and the bed had me after that. we really had so much fun with the kids, it was like a real family day. makes me excited to have a family vacation soon.

we all deserve it.

now i'm up making breakfast while everyone else is sleeping still. i doubt they'll get up so early. onika is definitely awake though, i've heard too many distant noises. she probably has work which would annoy me. literally.

it's been two weeks, this assignment should be over by now. i'm ready to have her at home more again. this constantly leaving just really bothers my soul.

as i was finishing up, i heard her come down. she stopped in the kitchen seeing the food before grabbing some bacon. i smacked her hand making her drop it because ew. just come grabbing stuff without even greeting her wife. a shame.

"oww bey. i'm hungry, and i gotta go."

"and? say hi to me."

"goodmorning baby." she came and pecked my lips before slickly grabbing the same bacon again. i chuckled starting to make her a to go plate on a plastic wear before giving it to her. "i'll be back late."

"late? why?" i pouted a bit. aw.

"last day. it's a lot that has to be done."

"i wanna go." i slightly mumbled. it was fun the last time i went. only thing is that we were there forever and a day. at the time i wasn't expecting that but now it's expected.

"not today mama. i'll call you when i have a break." she pecked my cheek about to leave out. then she doubled back. "we need to sit and have a talk when i come back. or tomorrow."

"ok...about what?"

"these past events. and with rumi. she has like ptsd or something." she sat at the island and started eating from her plate. i frowned a bit hearing that. rumi with ptsd? nothing has happened for her to have that. now if it was lyric i would understand.

"how so?"

"she's scared that we're gonna separate. do you know she called me crying while i was in paris? it was like five in the morning here and i had to calm her down over the phone. she kept yelling at me saying i was lying about us being broken up just to protect her."

"what? really?" i was shocked. yea i knew rumi talked to onika more than any of us while she was gone but i didn't know she broke down like that.

she hasn't said anything to me about how she felt.

"mmhm. so i just wanna talk to her together and help her understand what's going on. these kids are older so us having issues and just getting over them isn't as easy as it was before. not only are we tiring each other out but we're scaring our kids." she was smacking on her food while i watched her. she's right.

it was fine when rumi was four and couldn't make out if we were angry with each other or not. but she's nine now and will catch on quicker than ever. we can't hide anything from her. especially her.

it's like she has an attachment to us being together. she can barely remember when we were broken up because it happened before she even came about. we got together at the peak of her remembering years of age.

"well ok. that makes the most sense."

"yep....oh shit, i gotta go. why you let me sit down like this?" she moved quick, grabbing her purse and food before running out. i chuckled shaking my head as her little legs go. nobody told her to get all comfortable like that.

since the kids were still sleeping i got comfortable on the couch watching some tv. no matter how late they wake up, they'll go in that kitchen and fuck that breakfast food up. i had my plate though. ate it all, cleaned my dish and went to the bed.

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