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this is haarrrdddd. imagine having to sleep without the love of your life!! it's been three days and i haven't even talked to her. only time i hear her voice is when the kids are talking to her.

i'm trying, i'm trying.

she never said we couldn't talk on the phone but i know that i'll start missing her even more. i'm gonna prove to her that i can do it. first i have to prove it to myself.

but that's besides the point right now. rehearsals are killing me. i have to go from modeling to acting to being a mother and repeat. onika was able to leave and just focus on work but...i have that and some.

i've been taking kyri with me to rehearsals early in the morning because i don't wanna leave him on lyric and kameron. they have their own things to handle, jobs to go to. classes. but he went to school today so i was okay.

"rumi you cannot be getting in trouble right now." i gritted over the phone. for me to get a call while at work, i'm heated. my schedule isn't flexible enough for that. "you're gonna get your ass in that class and apologize because i cannot come get you right now."

"not apologizing, she shouldn't have hit me."

i sighed heavily rubbing my forehead trying to figure out what the hell i was about to do. only thing is i can't leave right now. like at all.

"call an uber."


"no, to my location. why would you go home when no one's there? hurry up rumi and call me when you're outside."


"and expect an ass whooping." i hung up. i'm not sure if i'm really gonna do something because i never do but today just isn't the day. and i explained that before i even dropped them off this morning.

leave it to rumi....

"beyoncé we're wasting our time."

i huffed checking to see that rumi sent her uber info which she did. so i put my phone down and got back with everyone else. my eyes wouldn't stay off of my phone.

please let my baby be okay.

"next months wardrobe is inside everyone dressing rooms. i advise you to get situated with them now because they need to be ready by a certain date. there's no changing anything, we have desired sizes. if it's too big, gain, if it's too small, lose."

"oh hell no." i spoke out. that doesn't make any type of sense. i'll be damned if i lose or gain weight for anything. that's insane. "my stuff better be the right size."

"if i told you it was would you chill?"

"you can say that but it better really be that." i frowned. that's making me nervous now. i've definitely gained a little weight overtime and i know mine will be too small. it's obvious.

"look...in this industry there will be sacrifices. weight being a major one. you're a model, you should know."

"exactly, i'm not modeling this is just a show. what does my weight have to do with anything?"

"you're a model. we picked you for a reason. your body means the most. especially for your role."

i scrunched my face before scoffing. he can't be serious. no one else seemed bothered by this. mainly because i'm really the only girl with a lead role. the other women are side characters, they don't even do much with their bodies.

my phone started to vibrate on the table and i ran to it. rumi let me know she was here so i rushed outside to get her. pulling her into a hug with a huge sigh. i've never had to send her in an uber by herself.

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