Chapter 6

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"Mason Kato?" Isaac shouted once more.

"Stop it! Everyone's staring at us."

He looked around and rolled his eyes. "No, they aren't. Come on, Ava. Everyone's in the same boat. Now I suggest-"

"What's your last name?" I blurted.

For a second he didn't say anything, and I just watched him carefully, until I caught a glimpse at the hint of a very discreet smile. "Sanford," he said finally.

I released a deep breath and then began to shout. "Harper Sanford?"

"Check the floor upstairs," he told me. "I'll stay down here."

"No, you go upstairs. I'll get lost."

"You won't, princess."

"Stop calling me that." 

I turned around and pushed through the crowd of people, hearing him shout, "Your wish is my command, princess!"

The second floor seemed less crowded but just as chaotic. Everything was scattered everywhere, including people. Breathing deeply and trying to muster up some courage, I began roaming around, glancing at every cot in hopes to find a loved one of mine. 

"Harper Sanford?" I shouted. I checked people's files, seeing if I could recognize any name that showed up. I didn't.

"Mason?" I yelled. I looked around and caught a glimpse at a young boy sitting on a hospital bed. He was short, with floppy brown hair and tanned skin. For the fraction of a second my blood froze, because at first glance it looked like him, but as I got closer I began to realize that it wasn't him - he didn't have the same nose or the same eyes, and it wasn't my little brother.

I shook my head and erased the thought of him, looking away and scanning another area of the hospital.

"...Harper Sanford?" I called. "Mom? Dad? Piper?"

I pushed through the crowd some more and spotted a lady - a nurse. I jogged and stepped in front of her to block her way. "Excuse me, but do you know anyone with the last name Kato, Peterson or Sanford?" I asked.

"I don't know, there are lots of people here. I'm sorry." 

"Okay, I understand. Thanks anyway."

She offered me a sympathetic smile and then walked away. I let out a huff and continued looking around, turning in every direction with my eyes darting to every corner. I trudged down the aisles and watched every single person, a sick feeling stirring inside of my stomach. They were horribly injured, gashes and wounds everywhere on their bodies. Some whimpered and cried. Others just stared blankly at the ceiling.



"Sanford? Anyone?"



"Mom? Dad?"

"Harper Sanford?"

"Mason Kato?"



"Harper Sanford?" 

"Yes?" said a little girl. My heart dropped.

I looked over my shoulder and caught a glimpse at her. She was about ten or twelve years old, and she seemed really weak. Wounds crowded her skin, dark purple bruises surrounding her face. She shared some of the same features as Isaac - they had the same nose and the same eyes. She was injured severely.

"Your name's Harper?" I questioned.

She sat up and straightened her posture a little, wincing. "Yes," she said quietly.

"Would you happen to be Isaac's sister?"

"You know Isaac?" she gasped.

I froze in place, paralyzed with shock. I was right. This was Isaac's sister. "Yes."

"Is he alright?" she asked, tears moistening her eyes. Then, in a softer voice, she said, "Is he alive?"

"Yes, he's alive," I said, feeling my throat tighten. Suddenly, I felt a spark of hope. Maybe finding Harper so quickly meant that I could find my loved ones soon as well. Just maybe. "Stay here, okay?" I told her. "I'll go get him."

I backed away, and then I sprinted, running so fast I nearly tripped. I could feel my heart racing, a smile stretched so far across my face my cheeks ached. I saw Isaac from a distance and started screaming his name.

"Isaac!" I pushed through a crowd of people. "Isaac! Isaac!"

He turned around and glanced at me, worry visible in his eyes. "Yes? What is it?"

"It's..." I trailed off and panted, pausing and taking a moment to catch my breath. "Sorry, it's just -- I had to run."

He broke into a bit of laughter. "What happened?"

"Your sister," I breathed.

His eyes widened, his smile quickly fading. "My sister?"

I nodded.

"Harper?" he asked. 

"Yeah." I nodded once more. "Come on."

I took his hand, dragging him along with me, jogging up the staircase and guiding him to where his sister was.

"Is she okay?" he asked as I led him through the hall.


"Is she hurt?"

I didn't answer. Instead, I continued jogging until his sister was in sight. She sat on the cot, waiting for him.

Isaac let go of my hand when he noticed her and quickly made his way towards her. I stopped, smiling to myself and watching them from a few steps away. 

"Isaac!" she cried. "Isaac!"

"Oh my god, Harper." 

He pulled her into a hug, and they clung to each other for a while, holding each other tightly so nothing in the world could separate them.

"I was so scared," she sobbed.

"Me too, Harper. Me too."

"Are you okay?"

"I'm fine. Are you?" He pulled away from her and observed her, catching sight at the dark purple rings amongst her pale skin and the gashes scattered everywhere. "Oh god, you're hurt."

"It's okay," she said, smiling through her tears. "I'm fine."

"Are you sure?"

"I'm sure, Isaac. Really, I'm fine."

"Okay good," he breathed. He offered her a smile and then looked over his shoulder, watching me. "Ava?"


"Thank you."

For a second, I could've sworn that the noise in the room stopped, and I forgot about all the chaos happening around me. I felt safe, calm. 

"You're welcome," I said, offering the two of them a smile.

For a second, everything seemed like it was going to be okay.

A/N: What'd you think of this chapter? Comment below! I'm finished my exams, which means that now I have lots of time to write:) QOTD: Which actors do you see the characters as?

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