Chapter 38

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A few months later I sat at the same kitchen table, copying down notes for my homework. I flinched when the doorbell rang. My mother came running down the staircase and made her way to the front, bringing her face up to the peephole before twisting the knob and swinging open the door.

I could hear their voices from where I was sitting, but couldn't make out everything they were saying. It was as if they were whispering to each other, and they did that for a few minutes before a familiar face came walking into the kitchen, a crooked smile on her face. Her hair was tied messily into a low ponytail, and she was wearing old sweatpants and a cheap t-shirt. Relaxed, carefree, Piper -- the same as always.

She pulled out a chair and sat next to me. "Doing homework?" she snorted. "Nerd."

"We have a test tomorrow."

"And you're seriously going to study? Come on, the teachers feel bad for you. Take it as an advantage."

I placed my pencil down on the table, rolling my eyes. "Nice try, Piper."

"You're lame."

"I know."

She let out a sigh. Pause. Silence. Then she said, "Heard anything from Isaac?"

I winced a little at his name, but tried to shrug it off. "No."

I kept on writing.

Piper ripped the pencil from my hand. A rush of irritation spread inside me. Piper never took anything seriously, and at a time like this, I needed her to.

"Give it back." I said through gritted teeth.

"Call him," she said, a smirk split across her face.

"What?" I frowned. "No." 

"Call him." 


"Call him."

"I don't have his number."

She frowned, "You're such a liar. You guys exchanged contact information before you left. I'm not stupid."

I hesitated. 

"Call him."

Still, I shook my head and crossed my arms, refusing. "I don't want to talk to him."

"Why not?"

"I haven't spoken to him in months."

"Oh please," she said. "If you don't call him I will."

"Piper!" I hissed. "Stop! I'm not calling him. That's it. It's over."

"You're calling him."

A/N: Short chapter for today ^.^ Next chapter's going to be in Isaac's POV:)

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