Chapter 50

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I never heard back from Isaac.

Around a week later, I went back to school. I woke up that morning with overwhelming dread and the urge to stay in bed. I couldn't find the energy to get up and go to school. The thought of it sickened me. I was embarrassed. Humiliated. I still hadn't spoken to Nolan, and I hadn't talked to Piper ever since I had found her at my doorstep the day I had gotten home.

"Ava," my mother said, stepping into my room and turning on the lights. I winced at the brightness and pulled my blanket over my head. "Time to go to school."

"I don't want to." I replied.

"Get up."

"One more day? Please, I'm not ready."

"You're missing too much school. Exams are soon, you need to catch up."

"Mom, please."

"Ava," she said sternly. "Get up. You're going to school."


"Get up now." She ordered, walking away and closing the door behind her.

By the time I had gotten out of bed, my mother had already left for work. I made my way to the kitchen and reached into the cupboards, taking out a ceramic bowl and setting it down on the counter. I found a cereal box and poured some into the bowl, sloshing some milk on top of it. Grabbing a spoon, I sat down at the empty table and took a bite of my breakfast.

Resting on the table was a phone. I stared blankly at it. Give up, Ava. He's not calling back.

I finished my bowl of cereal and got up from the table, placing my dishes in the sink and heading to the washroom to get ready. I brushed my teeth, combed out my hair and got changed before heading to my room and packing my bags. I slung my schoolbag over my shoulder and put on my shoes, heading towards the front door and stepping out.

Walking to the bus stop, I observed my surroundings. The sun was hidden behind heavy clouds, the streets plagued with worms and puddles of rain. I could feel anxiety taking over me; my breaths sharp and my hands tremulous. I caught a glimpse at the sky, the clouds occasionally breaking apart and revealing a single ray of sunlight.  Stop thinking about him. Stop thinking about him. Stop thinking about him.  But I couldn't. I couldn't help but wonder why he hadn't called back. I couldn't help but wonder if he was okay. I couldn't help but wonder if I was ever going to speak to him ever again.

Stop thinking about him.

I tore my gaze away from the sky and focused on the road, catching sight at Piper waiting under the bus shelter not too far away. She wasn't looking at me. Instead, she stared vacantly at the other end of the road, waiting for the bus to appear.

"Piper," I said, reaching the shelter.

She flinched and looked over her shoulder, then looked back towards the road. "Hey."







"Listen, I'm... Sorry about the other day. I was in a really bad mood, and I didn't think—"

"It's fine. It's not your fault. I get it."


"Lately I've been kind of... well, cold, I guess you could say. I care, Ava, I really do, and I hope you know that. I know it's hard for you, and you scared the crap out of me the other day. You're my best friend. You know that, right?"

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