Chapter 24

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The next day, it started raining. I woke up early and stepped outside, the dampened ground sucking at my feet as I let the water pour over me.

It brought back memories I could never forget.


I was on my bike, the rain crashing down on me.

"Piper, let's go back," I said.

"C'mon, don't be such a wimp," she chuckled, refusing to turn around.


"What are you doing?" Isaac shouted.

I turned around to face him, smiling at the memories. I thought of home, my friends, my family... "Come outside!" I shouted. 

He shook his head, folding his arms across his chest. "No."

"Why not?"


I sighed and continued biking, hoping the rain would stop.

But it didn't.


"Because I don't want to get doused in water, that's why."

The rain became heavier, and a clap of thunder exploded through the sky.

"Come inside." Isaac said, "It's a lightning storm."

"What?" I laughed, "I'm not gonna get electrocuted if that's what you're thinking."He didn't crack a smile. "Isaac," I called. "Come on, it'll make you feel better." 

He shook his head. "It won't, Ava."


A bright light illuminated the sky, followed by a booming noise.

"There's lightning and thunder!" I shrieked.

"We're not going to get electrocuted," Piper said, "trust me."


I rolled my eyes, ran over to him and grabbed his hand, pulling him outside. 

After a few seconds of standing out in the rain, his top hugged his body and his hair was soaked. For a while, he just stood there, wearing a blank expression. I wrapped my arms around him, resting my head on his chest. "Are you okay?"

"I'm fine," he mumbled.


After a while of biking in the rain, I realized how fun it was. I loved the feeling of the water pouring over me and the scent of the earth. Piper screamed with excitement, and I found myself smiling from ear-to-ear, appreciating the simplest of details like the hue of the sky - even though it was a dark shade of gray. Another strike of lightning cut through the clouds. I felt alive.


I pulled away and looked at him, staring into his eyes. He looked away from me and watched the sky. He was thinking of them -- his parents. I was sure of it. "Hey," I whispered. "Look at me."

His gaze met mine. "You know what'd be great?" I said, wanting to make him think of something else.

He shook his head. "What?"

"A kiss in the rain."

A/N: And there you have it, the cliche kiss in the rain. Hope you enjoyed XD Feel free to leave any suggestions, requests, questions or feedback in the comments.

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