Chapter 25

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After the rain died down, I went on a walk in search of my parents. Isaac, Harper and Piper insisted they come along. 

So there we were, walking along the remains of Thailand.

Harper stomped through mucky puddles of rain, splashing Piper's shorts.

"Stop it, Harper." She snapped, slightly annoyed.

But Harper completely ignored her. She continued hopping through the puddles, water flying everywhere. This time, Piper got really mad. 

"I said stop it!" she shouted.

"Calm down, Piper." Isaac interrupted. 

"Why don't you tell that to your sister?" she spat.

"Just calm down."

"I don't take orders from you."

"You don't take orders from anyone." He shot back.

"You guys need to learn how to get along," I cut in.

"Isaac's impossible to get along with." She snarled.

I shrugged. "I get along with him."

The comment sent a grin across his face. She rolled her eyes.

Suddenly, a familiar voice caught my attention. It was coming from a distance, and as I turned around I saw a figure running towards me. My blood froze and my heart stopped.

As the person came closer, I recognized who it was.

A/N: Another cliffhanger *evil smirk* School starts soon so updates might be slower, but I'll try my best! 

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