Chapter 15

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I was dragged under water, mucky liquid flooding into my lungs, slowly and painfully. I tried swimming upward, but a heavy vehicle refused to let me escape. I was pinned underneath, trapped. Below me there was nothing, just darkness. The unknown.

I looked around, and everything seemed serene. Things passed by me, slowly, not even colliding with me. The eerie sound of silence consumed me. I was numb.

Suddenly, I saw a small figure floating in the distance. It was a boy, around the age of five or six; brown eyes, brown hair. Mason.

My eyes widened. My first instinct was to get to him. 

Frantically, I tried swimming, but I couldn't. I waved my arms and pushed my legs, struggling to actually move. Anxiety pumped through me, rushing through my veins with my heart running a mile. I wanted to scream. I wanted to swim. I needed to get to Mason. I needed to talk to him. I needed to see my little brother.

Every time I tried reaching for him, he seemed to sink further and further into the everlasting sea. He was getting away. He was getting away, and I couldn't move.

There was nothing I could do. I couldn't save him. I did everything in my power, but it was too late. His body kept pulling away, until it disappeared into the bottomless ocean - into the darkness, into the unknown. I lost him. I lost him, and it was all of my fault.

The water kept filling my lungs, and I closed my eyes, feeling my heart beat slow down. This it it, I thought. This is how I'm going to die.


"Ava," said a familiar voice. "Get up. We're here."

My face heated up as I lifted my head from Isaac's shoulder. I sat up, feeling a little light-headed. I was in a vehicle, and I didn't recognize the area we were in.

"Where are we?" I asked, rubbing the sleep away from my eyes.

"At a hospital." Isaac replied. He got out of the vehicle and extended his hand.

"I thought we were visiting Harper." I said, taking his hand and stepping out.

"We will." He flashed me a grin. "After."

I furrowed my brows in confusion. "What do you mean?"

"Well," he began. "After the whole finding your brother thing, I kinda felt bad."

In a flash, the memories came back, and I thought of the incident earlier. I remembered the boy I thought had been Mason, and how devastated I'd been when I found out it wasn't. I'd made a scene. I felt a sudden stab of humiliation. "Sorry about that." I mumbled, feeling my face redden.

"Don't worry about it, I get it." He said. "Anyway, I decided it'd be a good idea to look around and try to find your brother at a different hospital," he smiled. "How does that sound?"

"You're being serious?"

"I wouldn't of brought you here if I wasn't being serious," he said. "Now, come on. Let's go find your family."

A/N: Hey guys! I probably won't be able to update within the next week or so, because I've got plans and I'll be very busy. As always, feel free to comment any requests or feedback. Thank you!:)

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