12. Siara

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"Ooooooh date and all" my mumma chirps as Daksh opens his car door for me.

"Don't tell papa" I mumble and she smiles "I'll handle him , his possessiveness towards you is making him sick and I'm tired of all this . You go wherever you want "

"I love you " hugging her I instantly am reminded of that video .I have forever known that his family and he are mafias , that is their life but daksh is not Reyansh , he isn't king right?

We reach at the restraunt which is completely, entirely vacant.

"There is nobody" I look around the place.
"Had to keep the entire place because my rabbit doesn't feel comfortable amidst strangers" he smiles pulling a chair.

"You know me so well" I sit and he nods "do I also know you?"

He stops midway from sitting across me and looks into my eyes "you never tried to" he sits smiling "and you shouldn't either , focus on your studies and " he pinches my nose " leave everything else to me"

"Daksh" I move closer to the table " I'm not a kid , you can tell me things"

" there is nothing to tell rabbit " innocence in his eyes makes my heart calm " promise ?" I hold his hand .

He looks at me for a few seconds " promise " he says .

For the entire time I keep thinking of this strange gut feeling , these negative thoughts . When we reach back home , he holds my hand as we stand near the car .

"Sia , I really love you and if not you, I'll love nobody"

My heart does a full flip as I smile "I've never thought of you like --"

"It's completely Okay , I can wait " he pats my head and leaves our driveway with his car while I stand there puzzled.

Next day , I reach college two hours before my usual time . I find Sophia waiting for me .

"Come with me" she holds my hand rushing inside . The college is comparatively silent today . The entire campus is somehow under a gloomy cloud . Students look at each other with fear filled eyes .

"What's wrong?" I ask a girl passing by .

She places a hand beside her lips mouthing "Raghuvanshi is here"

Oh Rey again !

"Not only him, king and your innocent one is here too" Sophia speaks up .

"Okay so listen to me very carefully siara" she shuts the classroom door behind us . There is nobody inside the class but inside me is a gut feeling. A feeling that something really bad is gonna happen . Heer Says her instinct is strong but today I know my gut feeling cannot be wrong. Although , with every breath I want it to be a lie .

"When I researched a lot about Daksh Solanki, I found a terrifying reality"

"Why would you research about him"

"You wanted me to come into a relationship with him , so I need it . " she takes out her iPad showing me a logo "this is a criminal organization, "The LIE" and nobody knows who runs it . These people are murderers , they control almost everyone's life . From biggest celebrities to sportsmen all want their favors . They all know but nobody speaks about it openly . Nobody can "

"Why are you telling me all this" my heart pounds against my chest amidst so much negative , bad feeling.

She holds my upper arm looking into my eyes "Daksh runs it with his friends"

I give a hard roll to my eyes. No way in hell ! No freaking way in hell !

"Shut up Sophia " I start for the door .

"Ask him" she deadpans "come on ask him why he stalks you, threatens you , kills people who follow you"

My heart sinks and anger seeps into my veins "you are stupid "

"And you are dumb , why do you think you never get any dms ,despite having a public account ? Why does nobody ask you out twice despite being so pretty ?"

Heer has always kept her account private because king is toxic but nobody has ever said anything to me . Still nobody every dms me first. I thought because of my papa's strictness , things have been the way they are . I've been in a protective circle .

"Nobody approaches you Siara Raichand because Daksh can kill for you . He has done it in the past "

Showing me news article online , she makes fear get deep into my mind .

Three boys at Mandhana high school commit suicide for unknown reasons .

"Do you remember the day, your entire class got off the school ? Why were you left alone ? Why does your father hate him and not king ? What's the difference? He doesn't even hate Reyansh "

"H-how do you k-know so much" I step back.

"It's personal" she clutches her phone tightly in her hand .

"You have been fooled your entire lifetime Siara , from your dad to your best friend. They all know it . He's a cheater , liar and a murderer obsessed with you . He must have said he loves you but love isn't what this is" grabbing the Keychain from my bag she smashes it on the ground.

I gasp but my body freezes as the charm breaks revealing wires and lights . "T-thats a c-camera "

"And he is a phsycho who stalks you , who sees you everytime who is bloody obsessed with you"

A tear rolls down my cheeks as I hear a bang on the door "SIA !!!!" Daksh's voice rings into my ears "SIA !!!! OPEN THE FUCKING DOOR"

"The pendant has a mike in there " she points to my neckline . He must have been listening and if he kills me , you know he will "

My legs begin shivering as I grab the corner of the table. I dial the second number in my emergency list , my papa's because first is his .


"Papa , p-please t-take m-me home . He --- you were always right "

The door breaks with another loud bang and he looks at Sophia with something worse than Rage and fury . She grabs her things and heads outside . King stands at the door while Heer rushes inside dressed in her high school uniform . Squatting , she cups my face "sia , listen to me"

"Sunshine , calm down .I'll be right there and I'll make him regret his existence for hurting you, Shivay Raichand's only daughter . I'm on my way" he doesn't hang up but the phone falls from my hand as I push heer away .
"Do not touch me"
She falls on the ground. King immideatly steps forward but she raises a hand. "No wait "

"Sia " a tear rolls down her cheek " I told you I'm not a part "


she squeezes her eyes and breaks down in tears . " I'm sorry, I'm sorry "

Suddenly king strolls on angrily knocking the lockers with his foot making vibrations and loud noise fill the room .

The one who is responsible for everything stands like a stone in the middle of the room . The only sound in the room is heer crying.

Instantly papa runs inside the room dressed in his white button down and black pants. His hair neatly swept back and a golden rolex sitting on his wrist .

"Sunshine" He sits down and wipes my face with his thumb. His eyes land at heer and he places a hand on her head "shh-- why are you both crying ?"

His rage filled eyes then meet Daksh's and he's about to get up before I grab his sleeve "can w-we go home p-please papa"

He hugs me as we get up "I told you if you hurt my daughter" he grits his teeth shooting daggers at daksh . I don't even look at him. In a flash of a moment Reyansh stands behind him glaring at papa like a bodyguard.

"End of your chapter" papa tells Daksh before we leave .

Maybe End of the story itself.


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