45. Siara

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I force my eyelids open smelling alcohol and rust . The side of my head is wet and sticky . All my limbs hurt so bad when I try to get up from the dirty floor . The last thing I remember is standing near the car in our driveway when suddenly someone pulled me inside a black car . I lost my consciousness after that.

Touching the left side of my head , I feel my hair sticking to my cheek with dried blood . My head hurts and throbs like anything . My lifeless legs refuse to let me get up from this mess but I try my best . Tears pool in my eyes but I clutch to my pendant.

"Uh-" I place my palm on my aching eyelids.

"Up little sunshine?" I hear a voice I've heard before. That day when I was at the showroom with king .

His face comes into my vision and I see how creepy and dauting he looks in these circumstances.

"Wh--" I loose balance because the world is spinning for me "what is this p-place ."

"It is definitely not your Rich dad's white mansion and not your billionaire boyfriend's bungalow but it is where you'll strip naked for me"

"S-Shut your-- g-gutter mouth ."

He laughs a little before squatting in front of me . He brings his finger under my chin "see babygirl , your boyfriend has really hurt my feelings and now you will cure my broken heart"

I turn my head moving away from his touch . He's disgusting . I hear the tapping of heals and there comes his sister, Sophia.

"Thank you for saving my life Siara but unfortunately I won't be able to do the same. My brother hungrily wants you and I want your Daksh to see what humiliation feels like"

" Shut up ! I hate myself for being the reason of your saved life"

"Oh then , " her brother grabs my hair "you need to be taught a lesson "

I wince in pain as tears mixed with blood roll down to my jawline .

I hear a sudden thud and he says "looks like we have guests".

"DAKSH !! "I scream on the top of my lungs and pain shoots in my injured head .

"SIA !! " he replies making me bawl my eyes out .

I hear his footsteps and the man in front of me smirks before placing a gun at my temple .

"Daksh ,Daksh ,Daksh" He mocks me tightening his grip on my hair.

My vision fills with Daksh's handsome face having apprehension sitting across it .

"I'm so sorry rabbit" he states while more tears fill my vision .

His , eyes however turn red with fury . He raises his arm with the gun in his hand "You'll be left with no hand after three seconds if you don't TAKE IT OFF HER "

Joshua smirks before making his hand fall from my hair " Okay,  okay" but the gun stays at my temple "but you'll be left with no Siara Raichand if you don't stop threatening me . I . Will . Kill her. "

"No motherfucker" I hear Reyansh's voice and the back door bangs open . Nobody has a doubt over Reyansh's aim and he proves it when Joshua's hand gets shot making the gun fly back . Blood splashes on my face making me squeeze my eyes shut . Another Bullet from Daksh's gun pieces through his second  arm . I feel a sharp ache in my chest . Daksh's kick makes him fall away from me and when he hugs me , I break down .

"Shh --- " he picks me up in his arms and we are out of that place.  I see behind me Josh , Sophia and their men fight Reyansh's team . He makes me sit inside his car but I clutch to his arm .

"Don't go away"

I see only rage and rage on his face . He comes to cup my face but stops seeing the blood .

Without another word he storms inside but I can't stop myself . My legs hurt so bad , I get up holding the car door . I slowly trudge inside , seeing daksh walk inside . Reyansh's men stop me but I request them and head towards the door . However I instantly regret my decision when I see his rage . When I see him slamming the plank on the one who hurt me . The plank has sharp iron nails which makenme shiver to my core . All I can see is blood and A Psycho Lucifer , My Psycho Lucifer.

I shut my eyes turning my face away . Reyansh tries stopping his cousin while someone grips my upper arm .

I turn around to face Arin "it's okay" he speaks with soft eyes,  an expression I didn't know king could possess.  He cups my blood covered left side of the face and I break down in tears . Placing both palms in front of my eyes,  I cry hard . He caresses my head and takes me out while I hear Reyansh growl amidst Daksh's angry screams " I said STOP !! STOP he's dead already . GET THE FUCK AWAY AND GET YOU SHIT TOGETHER"

Arin opens the door to his car and my vision fills with Heer's red face with glassy eyes .

She hugs me crying hard . We cry so much that my lungs hurt.  When we reach back home, I see mumma and my aunts crying too.  The doctor is called who cleans my wounds and wraps a bandage on my head after proper medication . I change into fresh comfy clothes.

When I hear someone growling I rush downstairs finding my dad extremely angry while uncle Abhimanyu trying to stop him .

Aunt crystal holds my hand as we go downstairs.  I love her the most because she is always with me , understanding me . Maybe that's why her daughter is my best friend . In front of papa stands Daksh completely covered in blood. His clothes and his face has splashes of it while his hands are red . His eyes looks so tired and his hair are all messed up.

He really does look like lucifer straight from hell . Papa growls "she could die because of you ! "

"But she's alive because of him only " uncle kavish steps forward. Calm as always but I know how dangerous he can be if time demands .

"Get away from my sight ! JUST LEAVE MY DAUGTER ALONE !"


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