13. Daksh

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"Urgh my head hurts" Reyansh grits his teeth "will even hurt more if you don't find out how the fuck did that bitch find out about LIE" I glare at him as we storm out of the corridor.

"What about your dear uncle shivay "

"I'll handle my own shit , I'm not worried about him more than LIE Reyansh, this is serious"
"Fine" he walks to the right side while suddenly two girls holding a science project collide into him.

"I'm--s-sorry " one of them says but he shows his rarest of the rare smile " alright" and steps onto their hardwork just like today that girl stepped onto mine .

"Oh my god" the girls yelp with tears while the fucker doesn't even turn to look at the mess he created.

I head out of the campus and head home because I really want to see my family right now .

I find them both in the living room while an old bollywood movie plays on the screen.

"You're back already" mom asks as I sit down near the couch .

"Hmm" I mumble laying my head on her knee.

"Hey get away" dad slaps my head away .
"Seriously now avi ?" She tilts her head to the side "Did you get into trouble " she asks holding my shoulders but I shake my head .

"There is absolutely nothing that can cause him trouble apart from Reyansh , Arin and Shivay " my dad chuckles .

"It might be otherwise kavish" I hear Shivay Raichand's bitter tone from the entrance I just walked in through.

"Shivay " my mum gets up along with dad and apprehension covering her features tells me what's about to happen next .

I head up the stairs hearing him say "kainaat, I can tolerate anything but my daughter crying because of your asshole of a son"

"Will you mind your fucking tone while talking to my wife?" Dad growls , rarely seen.

"Will he keep his paws off my daughter?"

"Wait, what did he do ?"mom looks at me and then at shivay raichand .

"Here" he throws the Keychain on the table making my mother gasp "you gave that to sia DIDN'T YOU "

"Totally did" I smile .

"Daksh you--"

"Calm down sweetheart, I'll talk to him Shivay"

"You better Mister solanki because next time I'll make sure police grabs him by the collar before me, and you know , I can do it"

"Might as well give it a try , I'll return your policemen in a box" I smirk and instantly my mom snaps "GO TO YOUR ROOM , RIGHT NOW !!"

"going" I turn around as she says to her friend's husband "I'm really sorry shivay"

"Shut up sweetheart , they're all kids. You know how they are shivay "

"I had no problems with him kavish , I could tolerate him being your son, for my daughter I could even accept his mafia background but he is too much . I have been through those times , possessiveness too is okay but HE IS DANGEROUS FOR HER and I can't see my daughter going through that shit. I can't be that father"

"I totally understand shivay" mum utters as I slam the door behind me .

Checking my phone I find that a certain someone blocked me from everywhere . My blood boils but trying to keep myself calm, I grab my gym bag .

My phone rings with a call from Reyansh . I put him on the speaker and he instantly spits out " She's Sophia Mitra motherfucker, Josh's sister . You had no fucking idea ?"

"Ah-- I saw that coming"

"I don't know where she went and how many people she has told . This is a big mess"

"Then fucking clean it . I have a lot of shit on my plate already" I snap and he hangs up.

Tantrums !!!!

I dial the call again .

"Reyansh I--" he hangs up again.

Fucker !!

I dial the call again and literally whisper " will you do it my dear elder brother ?"

"Ofcourse if you talk nicely like you talk to her "

"You are not Her and a lot of shit is about to happen to her now , do you need that as well?"

"Urgh , uh-fucking fuck --- somebody put acid in my ears --- this fucker must be high on some shit" he hangs up making me laugh.

The door opens and my cute little mother stroms in .

"Anger doesn't suit your pretty face" I smile and she looks around the room .

"Where is that" she opens my cupboard taking out gun numbers one , Two ,three from the locker .

"Kainaat ?" Dad leans againt the door frame as she bends opening the drawer under my bed . She takes out whatever she finds including cigarettes, Reyansh's gun , king's set of daggers , chewing gums and a black hoodie"

As she heads to my bedside table , I realize there is a pack of cannabis inside the locker near it . "No there's nothing in there " I stand in front of it holding her in place . Slowly, I punch the code and lock it behind me .

"Get aside daksh , I'll slap you now"

"Kainaat Sweetheart"

"What Avi ? I let him go on and prove to the world how we failed as parents ? Let me see that" she tries to push me away .

"Fine , I'm sorry "

"You're not going after sia now " she deadpans " Dad!!!" I almost yelp "no , not possible"

"I'm gonna lock you in here"

"Untill ?"

"Daksh "

"Mom" I hug her and kiss her cheek "Relax, everything is alright ." And head outside .

Reaching at the parking king texted me to be at , I look around. Motherfuckers are late. It has started to rain outside and as I stroll inside , my foot lands on a thick , black broken wire . One with sparks on the end . I freeze and a terrifying chill runs down my spine . My mind and body stops working as random flashes from the past fill me .

Rey--- Rey please please. Uncle kiaan!!! Dad!! Somebody please

Please I'll die . Reyansh , reyansh are you okay ?

Dad ,mom . It hurts .

"What the fuck" I hear reyansh who kicks the wire aside and holds my arm .

"There is nothing" he hugs me as I squeeze my eyes "I'm okay , no need to babysit ."

"It's okay " He holds me tight as if I'm his girlfriend who's leaving him .

"Then I'm okay too"

"Wow, I'm jealous" I hear king who leans against the hood of his car with a poker face as he says " that's fucking adorable"

"And you're a fucking--"

"Smug" Rey adds .


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