31. Siara

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At the breakfast table, papa asks Bhavin to go with me to the college . I know papa wants everyone including Daksh to know that I'm with him or whatever but this certainly isn't safe for this guy.

Still he himself argues to come along . We get inside his car and he keeps talking about me and college on the ride while I keep worrying about Daksh and his two Devil friends .

As soon as we step down my heart becomes a drum.

"I've heard a lot about this college . Uncle Abhimanyu is friends with my dad too , so I've always known about big events and all happening here. I did hear about your play too"

"Ohh " I smile and keep walking forward but suddenly I freeze when a basketball comes flying towards Bhavin's head. However he's quick to grab it between his hands .

"Woah " he throws the ball aside "you're really unsafe here" he shields me with his arm carefully as we stroll further . I think the one who is unsafe is you here . He takes me to my classroom and most of the students are really confused to see me with some other guy. Who's not Daksh.

"Hey bhavin" Heer utters standing behind him . Her semester in college has started so she's mostly around but doesn't talk to me. However I was the one who pushed her away even when she apologized so many times . She cried so much .

"Oh hey " he smiles "how are you Heer "

"I'm good . I just saw you pass by and I had heard of your engagement and all " her gaze bounces between me and her .

"Oh wait there is no engagement " he looks at me " yet"

"Hmm" she nods and they talk a little before he leaves . She comes and sits next to me silently.

Tears pool in my eyes but I look away . She holds my hand and takes me out of the classroom . We reach inside the girl's restroom where she stops and hugs me suddenly.

"I'm sorry , I'm sorry about everything. I'm really really sorry" she breaks down "king didn't let me talk to you"

No matter how much she pretends to be that badass on the outside she's the most sensitive girl of all .

" I missed you so much, I had nobody"

"I'm sorry , I know . I begged him and -- had to do a lot of shit to get him to say yes"

"It's okay , I made you cry so it's obvious he has problems with me" I utter and the door opens suddenly . Shivangi's pretty green eyes look at us and she smiles for a second before her face expressions go back to being completely anxious.

"Oh my god , now what's up with you" heer sighs "what did Reyansh do"

My eyes snap in her direction completely shocked . How much more am I missing out on ?

"Nothing" she steps closer but I can clearly see how much she's frightened.

"I --- there is a project in my class for which I've been paired with--- a guy"

Ohh, oh now we know .

"And I need permission" she thins her lips into a line . Why would she need permission from monster Raghuvanshi ? Maybe he's been tormenting her when I was busy with my own struggles.

"Why permission from him" I ask Heer who blurts out "long story short , he said and I quote she is my property"

"Urgh " I can't help feeling disgusted "that's definitely Reyansh" shifting my gaze towards Shivangi I state "He's a top class moron , let him fuck himself".

She gives an awkward smile "I can't" before she's out of the room . I and heer follow her and I clearly know how much this girl must be suffering. If daksh is a pshychopath, king is toxic then reyansh is a toxic pshycho and inhuman on top of it .

"Where did he say you'll find him" heer asks while Shivangi fidgets with her fingers "either in the cafeteria or in G-69 ."

"Ohh 69, yes that's definitely reyansh" heer chuckles while Shivangi doesn't even get the joke . God , She's really innocent. I'm so worried about her already. Reyansh of all ? No,

We pass by the cafeteria but he's nowhere to be seen so we opt for the last room at the end of ground floor which is G-69.

The end of ground floor is completely silent and dark. I missed a class but I'm definitely not leaving shivangi with reyansh now that I know . When we step in front of the door. I crane my neck to see that he's lazily spread on a chair with a cegrette pressed between his lips . About six more boys , definitely the football team surround him . They are currently debating about something while the round table at the center is covered with bear bottles , lighters and some other shit. Reyansh definitely is danger zone . People turn their way before even coming into his radar. I can bet on my life that he can kill people for fun . He can definitely do that and the fact that he's the eldest amongst all of us makes him even more unpredictable . Moreover uncle kiaan has never ever stopped him from doing anything, like anything. If he burns down this college to ashes his dad will be like so what ?

Shivangi strolls inside with literally a pale face and she's shit scared right now. I and heer follow her but we stop at a safe distance . As soon as he sees her , he puts out the cegrette and sits straight . The boys from the football team get up and stand behind their chairs .

"I --" she keeps pulling her own fingers . A wavy strand of Hair falls from her ear covering her face from us . She fists her dress in one hand while he has his head raised to look into her eyes while he puts a candy pop in his mouth .

"Hmm " he looks at her like she really is his property and I really feel bad for her . I'm afraid that daksh will walk in anytime and he'll be pissed about Bhavin . I want to leave as soon as possible.

"I've been paired with a boy can I--- " she literally squeezes her eyes and Reyansh's eyes turn darker.

" you mean him"

Instantly we all look to our right where the football team's captain opens a locker from which a body falls out .

I shriek and heer gasps while Shivangi freezes .

"I'm afraid , he won't be able to help you kitten" he digs his hand inside the pocket of his jeans taking out candies "go to your class " he offers them to her .

Oh my god , I'd jump off of a cliff if I had anything to do with Reyansh Raghuvanshi .

She places her shivering fingers and picks all colorful packs as he says "till then I'll see which fucking professor wants to fucking pair you with fuckers"

He places a firm hand on her head as if she's his pet, saying "go" she turns around "and that" he points towards us " is bad influence"

"YOU are the worst influence if thats the matter " Heer barks out grabbing Shivangi's hand and mine .

"Crazy little lizard, you'll scratch her skin like that" he utters but we are already out of the room .

"ASSHOLE ,FUCKING ASS" heer growls making me laugh "everyone's life is fucked up "

"Maybe not as much as yours" I hear a daunting voice of a student and my spine jerks straight when I see a huge crowd in front of my desk .

"What's there " I just whisper while someone screams " she got The ReD MASK !!!!!"


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