A change of plans!

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They start the movie. They are watching it and having a good time. Asher has been laying on Elijah the whole time. He looks at Elijah. He doesn't realize he is staring. Elijah notices and so does the other brothers. Lucas pauses the movie. All the brothers will be part of the conversation. Elijah(E), Lucas(L), Luke(Lu), and Asher(A). 

(L) Is everything ok Asher?

Asher realizes he has been caught. 

(A) Yeah, I am hurting. I was afraid to interrupt the movie. 

(Lu) You never be afraid to tell us you are hurting. 

(E) I will get it for you. 

Elijah raises up and Asher leans over on Lucas. Lucas wraps his arms around him. Elijah comes back with a coke and three cups of medicine. He sits them down and plays the movie. Asher takes his time and takes all three. He lays back on Lucas. The whole time he is staring at the movie and Elijah. All the brothers notice. Elijah is happy. He was afraid he messed their relationship up. Asher starts dozing off. Luke pauses the movie and picks him up. He carries him to his room. He lays him on the bed and covers him up. He lays down for a minute and they talk. 

(Lu) Is everything ok? 

(A) I hurt his feelings earlier. I am trying to make sure he doesn't hate me. I heard him crying! 

(Lu) Baby he doesn't hate you. He loves you so much. 

(A) Are you sure?

(Lu) I promise. 

(A) Ok. 

(Lu) I will be back later. Do you need to pee or use the bathroom?

(A) I need to pee. I can do it. Yall enjoy the movie. You will be back later? 

(Lu) I will. 

(A) I love you.

(Lu) I love you. 

Asher kisses Luke on the cheek and goes to the bathroom. Luke goes back to the living room. They play the movie and wait twenty minutes. Luke pauses the movie and goes to his room. Asher is snoring. He knows he is asleep. Luke walks back in there and has a conversation with the brothers. 

(E) What's wrong?

(L) Did he say something?

(Lu) He was afraid Elijah hated him. He heard you crying earlier. 

(E) We talked. I will make sure he knows I love him. 

(L) He knows that. 

(Lu) I think he adores you. He stared at you the whole time. 

(L) Plus, he cuddles on your chest. He does not do that with us. 

Tears start coming down Elijah's eyes. Both brothers get concerned. Lucas grabs his hand. 

(Lu) What's wrong, talk to us. 

(E) Earlier he thought I was asleep. He kissed me on the cheek. He laid back down. A few seconds later he said I was the best dad anyone could ever ask for. 

(L) He said that? 

(E) Yeah. 

(Lu) That is great. 

(E) It made me cry like a baby. I thought I had fucked everything up. He loves me though. 

(L) We knew that. 

(Lu) Are you going to tell him you heard him? 

(E) No. If he gets ready to say it again, I want him to be ready. I do not want to pressure him. 

Do they hate me too?जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें