An event!

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The boys climb back in the SUV. Asher is still wrapping his mind around all the money the just got. They go to back out and Asher will ask a question. 

(A) Can we drive by the old house?

(E) Yes baby. 

(A) Thank you. 

Carter grabs Asher's hand and they start making their way toward their old house. It only takes ten minutes and they pull up outside and Park on the street. Asher just stares at the house. He looks for a minute and then he is ok. 

(A) We can go. 

(E) Are you sure?

(A) Yeah. 

(E) Ok. 

They start pulling down the street and they see Gabriel and Nile playing basketball in his driveway. 

(A) I need you to stop. 

(E) Asher, I do not think that is a good idea. 

(A) Please. 

(E) Ok. 

Elijah pulls the vehicle over and Gabriel and Nile stare at it. Asher grabs Carter's hand and they get out of the Tahoe. They walk up to Gabriel, and they will all talk. Gabriel(G), Asher(A), Nile(N), and Carter(C). 

(G) Asher?

(A) Yes. 

(N) Are you coming back?

(A) I am not. 

(N) Who is that?

(A) This is Carter. Carter this is Grabriel and Nile. 

(C) I see. 

(A) I wanted to say good bye. We drove by the old house to say bye one last time. 

(G) I thought we were going to stay friends?

(A) I don't think so. 

(G) Why?

(A) I have someone new. I have someone who trusts me and loves me. I have someone who I can trust and that makes me happy. 

(G) I knew you cheated with him. 

(C) No that was you. You cheated on Asher, and I was there to help him heal. You made a mess, and I cleaned it up. 

(N) I am sorry Asher. 

(C) You don't have to be sorry. It set me free. You got a problem. You did not get my boyfriend. 

(G) I will always love you. 

(A) I will always love you too. I am done though. I am glad we saw you. 

Asher walks up and hugs Nile and Gabriel. He turns around and kisses Carter and grabs his hand. They walk to the Tahoe and climb back in. They get buckled up and Elijah pulls off. They start driving back to their house. They have a three-hour trip. Everyone in the car is quiet. They could not believe Asher was able to confront Gabriel. 

Carter is smiling. He is holding Asher's hand, and he has butterflies in his stomach. He loves Asher and he is glad Asher chose him. Elijah decides it's time for them all to talk. 

(E) Can we talk Asher?

(A) Yes. 

(L) Are you ok?

(A) I am great. 

(N) Carter, are you ok?

(C) Yes. 

(Lu) What did you talk about with Gabriel?

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