Asher knows the plan!

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Elijah is the first one awake. He is still cuddled up with Asher. He is glad Asher is finally starting to open up and trust them more. He just holds him for a minute, and he gets up and goes and uses the bathroom. He finishes up and he goes to the kitchen. He is going to make a big breakfast. He is almost done when Nathan and Liam walk in and join him. They help him finish breakfast up and they sit it on the patio table. They all sit down for a minute to talk. Elijah(E), Nathan(N), and Liam(Li). 

(N) We have a favor to ask.

(E) Ok, what's up? 

(Li) Would it be ok if we took Asher and spoke with my parents this morning?

(E) I don't have a problem with that. 

(N) Thank you. 

(E) Is everything ok?

(Li) My dad wants to move back to California to be closer to family. I am trying to talk him into staying until I graduate. Then I can go to college here and work. I don't want to lose all of you. 

(E) How about this, I will go speak with them and I will take Asher with me. 

(Li) Are you sure?

(E) I am sure. 

(N) Then I am going to take us all out and do laser tag. Do you think Asher would feel up for it? 

(E) I think so. 

(N) Good. 

(Li) I will pay for myself. 

(N) No, I will pay for everyone. 

(E) We can also go and get the phones. I know Carter has not asked but it is time we do it. I know he has been worried about Asher. 

(N) That would be nice. 

(E) Ok my loves, lets go wake everyone up. 

(N) Elijah, I love you. You are like an older brother, and you make me feel special. 

(Li) Me too, I don't know what I would do without all of you. 

(E) We are not going to lose any of you. We will come up with a plan.

Elijah hugs both of the boys and he gives them a kiss on the cheek. They go and wake everyone up. They get up and they use the bathroom. They all eat breakfast and talk. When they finish everyone helps clean up. They finish cleaning and they go and sit in the living room. They will all talk. Elijah(E), Carter(C), Nathan(N), Liam(Li), Luke(Lu), Lucas(L), Asher(A), and Maverick(M). 

(E) Ok, so Asher and I need to run and do something real quick. When we get back Nathan wants to take everyone out to do laser tag. 

(N) If that is ok with everyone. 

(C) I would love that. 

(L) Me too. 

(Lu) Asher baby, do you feel like it?

(A) Yes. 

(M) Good, I also want to spend some time with Carter and Asher tonight. Would that be ok? 

(E) That will be fine. 

(N) We also have to stop by the mall. I have a surprise for Asher and Carter. 

(A) You don't have to get me anything. 

(N) Buddy, I love you. I am going to help spoil you too. 

(C) Thank you, bubba. 

(A) Thank you, Nathan, I love you too. 

(L) Where are you going Elijah?

(E) We will talk about it later. Asher come on baby; I am going to get us dressed. 

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