Secrets come out!

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The boys get in the truck, and they rush to Olive Garden. Asher and Liam are still waiting to be seated. They walk in and inform the hostess there will be five instead of two. He has a huge booth open, and he takes them straight back. The waiter comes over and takes their drink order. Elijah has made Asher sit next to him and he is holding his hand under the table. Asher can tell he is nervous. The waiter brings the drinks and gets their food choices. He places the order in and walks away. All five boys will talk. Asher(A), Liam(Li), Elijah(E), Lucas(L), and Luke(Lu). 

(A) What happened? I thought you were having dinner with them. 

(E) We spoke with them, and we came up with a few options. 

(Li) Is everything ok? Do you want me to step away. 

(A) No. 

(E) He is right. You can hear everything. 

(L) They have offered us more money Asher.

(E) If you and I agree to sign papers saying we will not press charges on dad. They will give us all another million dollars. 

(Lu) They will also move out of state. 

(L) They will also never speak to us again. 

(E) You have to be ok signing that though. You will never be able to have dad arrested. 

(A) I get to stay with you three?

(E) Yes baby. 

(A) We also get more money?

(L) We do, but we do not need it. We will have plenty to survive. If you want to press charges, we can do that. 

(E) I will press charges too and be right there beside you. 

(A) What do you three think? 

(L) I think we should accept their offer but add a clause with a protection order. They should not be able to come within so many feet of us. 

(Lu) I like that too.

(E) I am ok with that as well. It would be hard to speak about what happened in front of people. I will do it though. I would do anything for you Asher. 

(A) Liam, what do you think?

(Li) What did your dad do to you Elijah? Is that ok to ask?

(E) He forced me to have sex with him. I am going to show you all the video when we get home. 

(Li) I am sorry. 

(E) It is ok. 

(A) What do you think. You are smart. 

(Li) I say you take the money. You buy your new house. You have them move; you get the protection order. You all move on with your lives. 

(E) Thank you, Liam. 

(Li) Can I ask a question? 

(L) Yes. 

(Li) You are not moving out of state, are you? 

(E) No baby. We could never leave you boys. If we do we will wait until you turn eighteen. 

(Lu) We will bring you with us. 

(A) You are our brother too. 

Liam starts crying and he hugs Lucas. That is the closest person to him. Elijah gets worried and they stare at him. 

(A) I think I am ok signing the papers. You will be right there with me. 

(E) We will all be there. We will also have a lawyer. I will have instant access to this money. We will all split it. 

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