Dinner and A gift!

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All the boys head to their rooms to shower. Luke brings Asher with him. He wants a chance to speak with Asher alone. They pick out some nicer clothes to wear and they sit them on Luke's bed. They walk in the bathroom and Luke helps Asher takes his clothes off and they take turns peeing. They turn the water on and they get in the shower. Luke starts washing Asher. Asher is enjoying the shower. He had to rush last time, and he feels nasty. Luke gets to his front part, and he is excited. Asher is trying to close his eyes. Luke washes it and Asher calms down. Luke finishes Asher up and he starts washing. They are talking the whole time and Luke hands Asher the wash rag. Asher looks at him. Luke stands in front of him and they will talk. Luke(Lu) and Asher(A). 

(A) What?

(Lu) Go ahead and wash mine. 

(A) Are you sure?

(Lu) You are always more nervous around me. I promise I do not think being gay is wrong. I do not think you are a pervert. Wash mine just like I did you. 

Asher smiles and he helps wash Luke. They finish up and they dry off. Luke helps Asher get dressed and Asher hugs him. He sits on his lap, and he actually clings onto him. This is the first time Asher has felt normal around Luke. Asher starts to cry a little. He finally feels accepted by Luke. Luke rubs his back and just hums while he holds his little brother. Elijah opens the door, and he closes it. He knows they are having a bonding moment. Asher calms down and he slides over on the bed. Luke looks the other way. Asher tilts his heard towards him and sees the tears. The two boys will talk again. Luke(Lu) and Asher(A). 

(A) You cried?

(Lu) Yes, baby. I love you and I feel like we finally made a breakthrough. I hope you know there is nothing I wouldn't ever do for you. 

(A) I know. 

(Lu) Let's get our shoes on and get dressed. We are going to be late, and Elijah will be cranky.

(A) You have to give him a break. It is a lot to ask him to raise someone who is not his responsibility or child.

(Lu) We will talk about that in the car, is that ok?

(A) Yeah. 

Luke helps Asher get ready and they meet the other brothers in the living room. They load up in the SUV and they head out. All the brothers will be part of the conversation. Elijah(E), Lucas(L), Luke(Lu), and Asher(A). 

(E) How did the shower go?

(A) It was good. I bonded with Luke. 

(L) What do you mean?

(Lu) I let him help wash my thing. I thought it was only fair. 

(A) I know he doesn't think me being gay is wrong. 

(E) I am glad to hear that. 

(L) We can both let you help us too. 

(A) You don't have too. 

(E) We will though. We want you to know we trust you as much as you trust us. 

(A) Ok. 

The ride is silent for a minute. They are almost there when Luke brings the topic up. 

(Lu) We need to talk about one thing. 

(E) Ok.

(L) What is wrong?

(Lu) Asher thinks it is not Elijah's or our responsibility to raise him. I just want him to know we love it, and we enjoy it. 

(E) That is right baby. You will always be our baby. 

Do they hate me too?Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora