Unexpected guest!

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The older boys get up and do their morning routines. They all shower, get ready, and meet in the kitchen for breakfast. Elijah(E), Luke(Lu), and Lucas(L) will be in this conversation. 

(E) How did yall sleep last night?

(L) Good.

(Lu) I am nervous. 

(L) Me too. I argued with Mary last night. I told her Asher heard her and she would have to apologize. She doesn't think she should apologize. I told her it was a deal breaker. We both have math class at nine. Then we don't have any more classes together. 

(Lu) If she doesn't apologize, she is not allowed over anymore. 

(E) I agree.

(L) If she doesn't apologize, we are done. It is that simple. 

(E) That is your decision. Are you ok if yall end? 

(L) Yes. 

(Lu) Are you sure? Yall have been dating for almost a year. 

(E) I made it clear from the beginning; my family comes first. 

(Lu) You are a good brother. 

(L) Thank you. 

(E) We are done eating. I set Asher's alarm for eight thirty. They should have plenty of time to hang out. 

(L) Let's go. 

The boys get up and head out. They all get to school, and they start there day. The alarm goes off at eight thirty and Asher wakes up. He turns the alarm off and calls Lucas. Lucas(L) and Asher(A) will be part of this conversation.

(L) Is everything ok?

(A) Are yall all gone?

(L) Yeah, we left around seven thirty. 

(A) Yall forgot to wake me up. I needed someone's help using the bathroom.

(L) Let me call Luke. 

(A) It's ok, I can do it. 

(L) You cannot bend. Let me call Luke. 

(A) I can't wait. I will ask Carter. 

(L) I forgot to wake you up. I am so sorry. 

(A) It's ok, I love you.

Asher hangs up the phone and goes to the bathroom. Carter was up and heard the conversation. He lays there and pretends to be asleep. He knows this will be awkward, but someone has to help Asher. Lucas texts both brothers. Lucas is upset with himself. He promised he would help Asher this morning and he forgot. He could hear the hurt in Asher's voice. He goes to class to wait. Asher has finished using the bathroom and he flushes. He is trying to do his best to twist and wipe. The pain is back. Carter walks in and looks at Asher. This conversation will be between Carter(C) and Asher(A).

(C) I am going to help.

(A) It's ok, I got it. 

(C) Do you not trust me?

(A) I do. 

(C) I can help. 

(A) I don't want my relationship to start off with you thinking I am weak. 

(C) I don't think you are weak. You are so strong. Look what your dad did to you. You still did everything for them. You hid it from your brothers for a few days. You acted like everything was normal. You are the strongest person I know. 

(A) Thank you. 

(C) You're welcome. Let me help. 

Asher nods and Carter helps him wipe. Carter finishes up and washes his hands. He helps Asher up and slides his boxers up. Asher washes his hands and they go to the kitchen to eat. They both make cereal and sit down and eat and talk. Meanwhile Mary(M) and Lucas(L) will talk before class. 

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