Elijah has to calm down!

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Elijah scooped Asher up and walked in the bedroom with him. He laid down on the bed and Asher snuggled closer into him. He checks his phone, and it is almost four. He knows Nathan and Carter will be here any minute. He gets up and he changes clothes. He wants to slide into something more comfortable. He goes to get back in the bed and Luke knocks on the door. He motions for Elijah to join them in the living room. He walks in the living room and Nathan and Carter are sitting on the couch. Carter walks up and hugs him. They all sit down and will talk. Nathan(N), Elijah(E), Lucas(L), Luke(Lu), and Carter(C). 

(N) It smells good in here. 

(C) It does. 

(Lu) Asher spent most of the day cleaning. 

(N) Is he feeling ok?

(C) Where is he?

(E) He is asleep. I will wake him up soon. 

(C) Ok. 

(L) Did we come up with a plan. 

(N) My parents are ok if she apologizes and does not speak to Carter again. That goes for her sister as well. 

(C) I showed some of the girls the video at school. They are excited to meet Asher. They cannot stand Mary, and now they hate Becca. They treated her like crap today. Two boys came up to me and told me their brothers wanted them to hit me to teach me a lesson. They would not do it because they were scared of Luke, Nathan, Maverick, and Liam. 

(N) What two boys?

(Lu) Who are their brothers? 

(C) Mark and Todd. They both play football. 

(Lu) We will have a talk with them tomorrow. 

(N) No, I have their numbers we will call them now. Luke follow me. 

Nathan and Luke go in Luke's room. He calls Todd and puts it on speaker. He answers. Todd(T), Mark(M), Nathan(N), and Luke(Lu).

(T) Hey man.

(N) Are you around Mark?

(T) Yeah, we are playing COD at my house. 

(Lu) Can you pause it and put it on speaker?

(T) Yeah. 

(M) Hey Nathan. 

(T) Who else is on here?

(Lu) It's Luke. 

(M) Hey man how is it going?

(N) You tell us. We heard you tried to get your brothers to beat Carter up today. 

Both boys freeze and they are nervous to answer. 

(T) I am sorry. 

(Lu) You will be. I understand you told them to beat a boy named Asher up when he starts. 

(M) She told us too. She gave us money. 

(N) What does she have on you?

(T) We both cheated when we were at camp. She knows about it. 

(Lu) We will help, does she know their names?

(T) No. 

(N) Do yall?

(M) No. 

(Lu) We will help you deny the allegations. We will also show them the video of Mary assaulting our little brothers and threating to get them hurt. 

(T) Ok. 

(N) We four will also have a talk tomorrow after school. You can choose where we meet.

(Lu) That sounds like a good plan. 

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