A day with Nathan!

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Asher is the first one up and he had a bad dream. He dreamt that Nathan had a car accident, and he is crying. Nathan was hurt and no one would take him to visit him. Elijah calms him down and calls Nathan. Nathan talks on the phone with Asher and calms him down. He is going to do a half day and then come and get Asher. The two of them are going to go and bond. Luke is going to pick Carter up and they will go and do something fun. 

Elijah helps Asher use the bathroom and they go and start making breakfast. They are halfway finished when Elijah tells Asher to go and wake the other brothers up. They need to time to get ready for school and classes. Asher goes and wakes Luke up first. Luke gets up and heads to the bathroom. He goes to Lucas's room next and wakes him and Liam up. He smiles and he goes back to the kitchen. He wants to be close to Elijah today. Elijah is the one who makes him feel the most protected. He loves Elijah and he would do anything for him. 

Elijah notices the clinging this morning and he makes the best of it. He enjoys having a brother who still needs him most of the time. He can't wait for Carter and Nathan to move in. He was a wonderful and close relationship with Nathan but him and Carter are a little distant. He thinks Carter is afraid of getting spanked by him, but he wants Carter to feel comfortable with him. 

They finish up breakfast and plate in on the table. They take a seat, and they wait for the other boys to get to the table. They all sit down to eat and they will talk. 

(E) How did everyone sleep?

(L) I slept well. 

(Li) Me too.

(Lu) I tossed and turned some of the night. I did not sleep well. 

(A) I had a bad dream, and I did not sleep well. 

(E) I slept good until this little one woke me up. 

(A) Sorry. 

(L) He is just aggravating you baby. 

(E) That is right. I slept good with my baby beside me. 

(A) Thank you. 

(L) What was the dream about baby?

(A) I don't want to talk about it. 

(E) How about we talk about it over dinner?

(A) Ok. 

(E) That gives you time to hang out with Nathan and have a good afternoon. 

(L) Sounds like a plan. 

(Lu) I am going to pick Carter up and spend some time with him. I think our relationship needs to be a little stronger. I love him and I want him to know it. It is going to be weird when they move in. We will have two little angels to protect.

(A) I love you Lukey. 

(Lu) I love you too baby. I will make sure he is protected as well. 

(E) We all will. Carter is family too, we love him. 

(A) Liam how are you doing this morning? Can I ask a personal question? 

(Li) You can ask me anything you want. 

(A) Are you missing your parents? 

(Li) Not really. I can speak with them on the phone, but they did not spend a lot of time with me. I spend more time with all of you. 

(A) I am glad you got to stay. I would miss you to much. 

(Li) Me too, how about I help you tonight and I can sleep with you or you can sleep with me. 

(A) Deal. 

(Li) Ok little man. 

Everyone finishes up dinner and they get ready. Everyone heads out and this leaves Asher at home alone. He goes to his room and gets his dirty clothes. He also takes the sheets and covers off of his bed. He is going to wash and dry everything and let one of the older boys make the bed when they get in. He is afraid that would hurt his sides. He gets everything put in the washer and he goes and watches tv. His episode goes off and he goes and swaps everything over to the dryer. He goes and gets his pain medicine and muscle relaxer. He takes them and he walks over to the couch. 

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