More secrets and a fun morning!

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Elijah wakes up and he is cuddled between Luke and Lucas. He lets his mind go back to last night. Everyone was so supportive for him and Asher. They made a deal and will get more money. He needs to go and check on Asher. He does not want Asher to be alone today. He sends an email to his first three two instructors. He informs them his little brother is hurt and he cannot make it to class this morning. He is extremely close with both teachers. They call his phone, and he explains some of the situation. They both agree for the morning off. They send the class work over and they wish him the best of luck for the day. 

He gets up and goes to the bathroom. He finishes up and washes his hands. It is almost six thirty. He goes and puts some cinnamon and orange rolls on. He then goes to Luke's room and picks out a nice outfit for Liam. He is glad Liam stayed last night. He sits the clothes on the bed where Liam can shower if he wants too. He makes his way to Asher's room and opens the door. Liam and Asher are watching tv. They smile and Elijah walks over and pulls them both into a hug. He gets on the bed with them and sits. This conversation will be between Liam(Li), Asher(A), and Elijah(E). 

(E) What are you doing up so early?

(Li) We woke up about thirty minutes ago. We used the bathroom and now we are watching an episode of criminal minds. 

(A) We started from season one. We have been watching it together and messaging each other about the episodes all week. 

(Li) I know it is kind of unusual, but I enjoy it. 

(E) I think that is sweet. I love the relationship you two have. 

(A) Me too. 

(Li) I love you too buddy. 

(E) I have breakfast cooking. I picked you out some clothes Liam. You can go and shower if you want. 

(Li) Yes please. I will be back. 

(A) Have fun. 

Liam gets up and goes to Luke's room. Elijah pulls Asher closer and pauses the tv. Asher cuddles into his chest and holds him. Elijah plays with his hair and Asher draws circles on his chest. Elijah loves when he does that. It makes them two feel so close. 

(E) Are you ok this morning?

(A) Yeah, are you?

(E) I am more than ok baby. 

(A) Will you show me the video today?

(E) Yes, we are going to watch it this morning before Maverick gets here. 

(A) I thought you had class?

(E) I canceled my first two. I have one this afternoon at twelve thirty. I will leave after Maverick gets here. We are not leaving you alone. 

(A) You can't do that. You will get behind. 

(E) Baby, we are never leaving you alone in this house again. 

(A) Ok, I have an ideal. 

(E) What?

(A) Gabriel's mom does not work. His dad is really wealthy like mom and dad. Could we see if she could come and watch me tomorrow? I do not want you to miss a lot of class. 

(E) No sir. I think that would be a bad option. It would make you miss Gabriel. I don't want her here either. She knew what happened and she was not going to tell you. She left that up to Gabriel. I do not want him sneaking his way back in. 

(A) I didn't know that. She wasn't going to tell me?

(E) She loves her son and was defending him. I would do the same thing. 

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