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~Author pov~
Same time at mahendragiri

Karna was as usual doing his daily yoga and concentration excercise when he heard a lightning flash.
That's unusual,he thought.He didn't pay heed to it that much.
He was going to leave that matter when his guru came running,his face full of confusion.
"What happened guru,why are you so tensed"
"This can't be-"Bhagwan Parshuram murmured under his breath.
Karna was really concerned at this point.
He had never seen his guru like this.
"Please tell me Guru,what is not supposed to happen"
"Something or someone has messed up the timeline of events,someone who is not supposed to be here"
"How is that possible"
Karna was baffled.
"It is possible,You know about the great king Manu,he is a being from another world who came to our world at the end of Satya Yug and started Treta yug to continue life on earth.Similarly there is Kakabhushundi a Rishi in the form of crow,he was a devotee of Rama Chandra and he narrated the events of Ramayana to Garuda.He is an immortal being like me who is to remain on earth till the end of kali yug.But these events were all essential and was meant to happen,this will cause change in future"
Karna had no words to this,he took some time to wrap this information around his head.
"I need to look more into this"Parshuram muttered and got up leaving karna with his mouth open.

~Unknown pov~

A dark and dreary large underground chamber,the only sound there was the dripping of water from the stalacities.The air was thick with humidity.A veil of darkness cloaked it from the natural beauty of nature.

"My plan is coming into action,with in no time it will be executed,no human can withstand my power,it will surely show,with the right amount of anger and impatient her powers will be activated,we just have to wait for it,How is it coming along"
"It is getting ready Swami,on the day of the Krishna Paksha we will make it happen"
"But what if he reaches before you Swami"
His face darkened as hell at the mention of that person.
"Not this time,l will not allow it,even if he comes,this is inevitable"

~Karna pov~

His practice and daily chores of the ashram were over.His smiled at his father as he watched the sunset.
He couldn't wait to complete his gurukul,he had to meet the person who was the reason for all this.
He layed on the grass and was in deep thought,his thought brought him to today's strange phenomenon causing creases on his broad forehead.He was thinking about gurudev's words,is time travel really possible,who would have breached the time continuum in such a way that made gurudev so anxious????Thinking about all this he had dozed off on the grass itself. "YOU LIED TO ME KARNA,I CURSE YOU TO FORGET EVERYTHING YOU LEARNED WHEN YOU ARE IN THE DIRE NEED OF THEM" Karna instantly got up,what in the world was that??His head started paining,his heartbeat got faster,the dream was soo real, His guru was cursing him,but why?? Something has or is about to go awfully wrong.

How did karna get flashbacks of events which didn't even happen??What is the thread that joins Tara and karn?

Hope you like the chapter,pls comment,vote and share.

Reminiscence Of Amore - A Mahabharata Storyजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें