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~Karna pov~

"Are you ok" I asked.

This is the same girl from the ground today, I couldn't see her face at that time, but those brown eyes, her eyes, oh god, how can I forget those eyes.Didn't know that her eyes were not the only mesmerizing thing about her face.

Warmth rushed in her cheeks, she nodded.
"Yeah I am fine" she said.

I was controlling myself from gawking at her, she was blindingly beautiful.

I shifted at her intense gaze, She spoke up, "I am Tara, Tara Nandha"

I nodded, "Ka-" no not my known name.
"I am Vasusen" It was a name my mother usually calls me.

She smiled at me brightly, "Nice meeting you Vasu, I will get going then"

not so fast.

"What were you doing here" I asked

"I actually have to arrange these flowers"

Oh, she's a worker here.

"I actually am lost, can you show me the way to the ceremony " I asked.

My statement made her raise her eyebrows, she nodded.I looked away to stop staring at her like a creep.

Still my eyes couldn't stop themselves, it got stuck on her as I observed her.The small nose ring on her face really suited her.
God!! Get a grip on yourselves Karn, what will she think??

"Vasu" I flinched at her voice "the garden is the other way"

We walked in silence.
"What were you doing here"

I was amused at that question, after the fiasco at the ground today, everyone in the palace at least should know me.


"Oh, you work here, right"

I nodded reluctantly. Let's see where this goes.

If she was a worker, I would have seen her in my community somewhere.

"I haven't...umm..seen you before here"
I started.

She rolled her eyes."I am here because of a jerk"

"Why, is someone troubling you?"

"No, no, no one would dare"


"That fool, Angraj Karn"


I looked at her offended, I spoke with gritted teeth.
"Are you sure about that? "

She looked at me weirdly.
"Why do you care so much?"

I smiled inwardly, let's play this game.

"Why is he a fool?" I asked with a tone of mischief.

"Because he fired the flower arrangement guy and now I have to do this damn job"

We walked as she started her list of complaints.

"I had just returned from my journey, and just wanted to sleep, BUTTTT!!, that stupid man just had to fire all those people."

I controlled myself from bursting into laughter.

"So that's the thing, you do know that you are complaining about a king, that too a talented archer"

"Archer, my foot!! You should know that, you work here, you probably see this tyranny every now and then"

"I heard that the Brahmin mocked him for his caste, that's why he did that"

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