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~Yudhishthir pov~

"I love you"

it just came out of my mouth, I couldn't help myself, it's the truth, I love her, have loved her for 4 years.

Tara was shocked to her core, for a moment I thought she would take her sword and behead me then and there.

"WHAT ARE YOU SAYING? Don't insult.Apologize" Nakul talked fastly, he was outraged by my behaviour.

"It's love at first sight, brother" I pushed him gently away.

"Sister, I'm really sorry" Nakul begged to Tara "I just found out his true colours, you can complain against him if you want, oh no, please don't make this an issue sister, I'm really sorry" he then turned to me "You..., if you were not my elder brother I would have..never mind" saying this he backed off.

But I was not really paying attention to him, my full focus was Tara.She was still looking at me baffled.

"My mother used to say something, 'Every moment makes a story', I didn't understand the meaning until I met you.Do you understand? When I saw you for the first time, I found a story, my story, our story.How I met you, How I fell in love with you, How did we end up marrying, The story I'm going to tell our kids and their kids"
I let out a deep breath.

She glared at me and walked away, the maid running behind her.

Nakul came to me, totally confused.

"Brother, What's got into you, if Mahamahim knows about this he will make sure you never see again let alone love at first sight, do you remember his beatings or should I reenact it for you, it's good job you are not dead by now, god knows what rajkumari Tara will do, and even if you have feelings for her, what kind of an idiot says something like that to a girl outright like that, that too on your first meeting, have you given your brain along with your heart to Tara"

"Brother, calm down, you know I don't lie, I just thought my first interaction with her after a long time must begin with the truth and as for my heart and brain, it's with my wife"

"To hell with you, and what was it about marriage, children, grand children. I doubt she will even look at you after what you did today" Nakul said

"Don't take up any worries, she will tell no one, that I'm sure, now come on, and don't tell anyone about this, clear "

"You're talking like I'm the one who took so much time and what about your truthfulness"

"If anyone asks only then I have to say the truth, If no one knows no one will ask, and you can lie right, this way I don't have to compromise my morals and I am safe"

"Waah, jyesht bratha, didn't know you were this cunning"

"Love, brother, love"

"Oh god, you have gone madder than before, wonderful, don't worry I won't tell anyone"

"Specially not bratha bheem" they both said in unison and laughed.

Tara pov~

Today's day is full of blunders, first that thief got away, I am an enemy of Magadh now, that angraj, Duryodhan 's suspicion and now this!!
What am I supposed to do with his confession??, What a man is he?? What the hell did he see in me?? Who tells stuff like this?? He had planned even for the children and grandchildren.God, this is hell.
I need to do something, Yudhishthir is supposed to love Draupadi, NOT ME.
I need to make him fall out of love with me, or.... Should I just kill him off, NOO, TARA WHAT ARE YOU THINKING?? THAT WILL RUPTURE THE WHOLE EPIC!!
It is a good idea though.NOOO!!!
I cannot even tell anyone about this matter.I have to avoid this guy at all cost now.

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