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~Bhishm pov~

The royal court had just finished.
It was the first court that the princes were attending after their arrival.To the horror of the court, Duryodhan brought karna too, I have to bow down before their bond. Dhritarashtra and Vidura was stunned but was not against it. But the others were not so welcome.Karna also seemed uncomfortable but Duryodhan was tryying his best to make him feel like he belongs there, which none of the pandav acknowledged, have I made a rash and blind decision by suggesting Yudhishthir for the throne without considering Duryodhan?? Did I misjudge him completely based on his birth?? But he had poisoned Bheem in his childhood, how can a person who tried to kill his sibling be a nice person suddenly.

All these thoughts made him cloud his judgement. He decided to vent his tension on weapons.
Bhishm was planning to go to the armoury to practice his sword wielding when he saw someone already there.

Princess Tara

He intended to turn back and leave but his curiosity got the best of him. He wanted to know the prowess of Kripacharya's model student. Though he had seen her fight, her fight was raw, no strategy, nothing, her only motto was to shed the blood of the opposite person.

But here she was wielding the heavy sword like a pro. Kripacharya was not wrong, she is his Brahmastra. Her aggression was evidently broadcasted in her moves.

"So, how long are you going to stare?"

Bhishm was brought out of his thoughts by the question.Tara had stopped and was now directly looking at Bhishm.

"Who is the recipient of your wrath Princess Tara??"

"None of your business"

Never in his life, Bhishm had never had been talked to like this, people always respected him wherever he went. But this girl doesn't even know the meaning of 'respect'.

"Do you know the consequences of being insolent to the Grand Regent??"

"Don't know, don't care"

"You will be chained, Princess "

Tara let out a mocking laugh.
"Do you really think any of your soldiers or that 105 idiots you have defeat me??, Aww, Mahamahim, you're cute"

"You are disrespecting the princes of Kuru dynasty, young lady.Where did you learn such manners?? Such pride and arrogance is not good for anyone, even mighty warriors"

"Oh, really, where was this pride and arrogance when Dronacharya declared Arjun as the world's greatest archer. Did your moral compass got damaged at that time??"

Bhishm was tongue tied at that question. She was right in every way.He contemplated on what to say.
Should I apologise, never!! That will fuel her pride.

"Do I need to wait for your reply all day or can I go??"

This girl is the limit.

She smirked at Bhishm and went away whistling, not a care in the world.
Though annoyed by her behaviour, Bhishm admired her for her chivalry.

Usually everyone in the palace treated me with so much seriousness and fear, like I would behead their head any second.They saw me as the great Mahamahim Bhishm , not as a member of their family.

He actually liked that someone was being normal with him for once. Maybe Tara is not what I presumed her to be.

~Tara pov~

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