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~Author pov~

After the incident at the ground, Karn went back to his house with Duryodhan and Ashwathama, who insisted on coming.
Radha came running with an Aarti to welcome Karna but hesitated on seeing the prince and Ashwathama with him.

"Why did you stop Radhama?" Duryodhan asked.

Karna nodded at Radha, who came forward and applied tilak on them.

Adhirath didn't so much as look at Karn.
Duryodhan noticed this.

"Don't worry, mitr, your father will come around eventually, right Ashwathama-"

But our Ashwathama was in another world altogether.

"Radhama, you are such a wonderful cook, if you give me permission I will come here everyday to eat your food, Mm tasty"

"Why permission, putr, tumhara hi tho Ghar hai"Radha said ruffling Ashwathama's hair.

"You buffoon Brahmin, I am talking about a serious matter to you and you're thinking about food. Radhama please don't let him anywhere near this house"

"Oh, shut up Duryodhan, Mitr Karn, you are coming to today's welcome ceremony, right?"

"I don't know Ashwathama, I don't want to stir up any unwanted trouble, it's clear what the royal members think about me, I don't want to cause any trouble-"

"Karn, why so serious man, you just come, we will arrange your arrival to the palace, come early, father and mother also wanted to meet you"Duryodhan said.

"Sure mitr"

"Heyy, Ashwa, stop eating, nowadays you have no limit, we have to prepare for the ceremony, come on" He pulled up Ashwathama.

"See you later Mitr" they said in unison to karn and left after taking blessings from Radha.


They both reached the palace entrance, but everyone looked panicked there.

"What happened" Duryodhan asked.

"A fight is taking place at the banks of river Ganga, jyesht, but we don't know who it is"

"That's a normal thing, why do you all look so worried by this"

"He is fighting with the dacoits of Magadh, we don't deal with them at all, if Jarasandh finds out about this he will think that we attacked their men. Jarasandh promised that as long as we don't harm them, the dacoits will not."

"But they reside there in great numbers and they are--"

"No time to think Jyesht, come fast" Dushasan dragged him.

The Pandavas, Duryodhan, Dushasan, Bhishm, Ashwathama and the both Acharya's rushed towards the banks of Ganga.

They quickened their pace seeing the hubbub.

They heard a loud, belligerent voice.
"Hey, leave him alone"

They turned towards the attacker, he was wearing a black shawl around his body, his eyes were only visible.

"What has happened to people nowadays, everyone is wearing masks, first the archer Karn, now this guy"
Dushasan muttered.

"Shut up, Dushasan" Duryodhan said "Let's see what happens"

The royal group's eyes fell on a man's back.The intruder was also facing the other way, not visible to them, he had the man on his knees, very badly injured.

"Leave this man, he is our guy" the dacoits commanded.

The intruder shook his head, refusing.

The dacoit mob was large and visibly angry.
"Is this guy out of his head, he's gonna get beaten black and blue" Bheem said.

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