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~Tara pov~

He said we will reach by dawn,it had been 2 days.We are going to Malaya hills,deep in the southern part of aryavrat.Who are we going to see??no idea.What is happening to me??no idea.This is really frustrating.The languages of these god's are really weird.They always talk in riddles.I have not got a straight answer till now to any of my queries.
I really missed my home and my brother,how l wish l could see them,how l wish l hadn't opened that damned book.
Where will be that book now??

"When will we reach there hari??"

Again 'soon',if he was not a god l would have smacked him on the head.

"You can still smack me sakhi"his voice came with a chuckle.
"Stop reading my mind"l said sourly,knowing very well he will do that again.

I was fuming with frustration,hari looked back and smiled.

"You wanna know where we are going,right??"

"You are realizing that now"

"Ok,we are going to your guru for training"


"You need to control the power inside you or it will control you, do you want what happened? to happen again??No, right?

I nodded slowly."But who is going to train me??I know how to fight you know."

"You need knowledge of celestial weapons too to survive here."

That was true,if my knowledge of Mahabharata is correct,everyone possessed a super power or boon of some sought and half of them are incarnations of different dieties anyway,I won't be match for any of them in my current state.

"Owww"I groaned,the back of my neck was burning again.

I saw hari looking sideways at me with a serious expression but choose not to say anything.Did he know the reason behind this pain.I was a bit nervous to ask him about that and even if I asked him he would answer in some riddles.

"Who is going to take my burden now??" I sighed.


"He is one of the immortals right??Woah an immortal is going to teach me now?This is crazy."

"Don't go to him blabbering about being immortal , you will lose your cover,ok,be careful"

"I know,I am not that dense,but why Kripacharya"

"Don't underestimate him,he is an excellent warrior in his own rights,He is the grandson of Maharishi Gautam and the son of Shardwan,the great Archer who was considered a competition for even gods.Kripacharya is the supreme master of Vedas,shastras and the secrets of the universe ,he is a maestro in the art of warfare and also a renowned Maharathi"

"But isn't he supposed to be at Hastinapur at the moment according to the epic,how is he here"

"Your arrival has changed many things,sakhi,it caused ripples in many events,he is the kulguru but due to some glitch in the time period he is staying here till the kuru princes return."

"Oh,the kuru princes,I had an encounter Yudhishthir on the first day of my arrival,he must not remember now "

"He remembers that for sure"hari winks at me."You will see what l mean"

"I don't understand you at all,back to the topic, my to be guru ,he is not that glorified in the modern texts that much,but if he is that sharp and wise wouldn't he find out where I came from"

"That's in your department,sakhi,you have to tell him that you are a princess from the Pandya lineage, don't worry I have made the arrangements there"

"That's unfair,you are asking me to fool an immortal"

"You have to fool the whole aryavrat in some years and here you are fretting over one person,I don't think you are capable of this,I think I have made a wrong choice."

That triggered me very much.

"This is nothing for me , it's just a trailer, I will fool everyone,you just wait and see."

"That's the spirit, sakhi"

"Look at you, encouraging me to fool everyone"

Hari laughed. His melodious tone echoing in the whole jungle.

I dozed of for some time.When I woke up we had stopped.
"Have we reached"l yawned and enquired.
"Yes ,sakhi"

~Karna pov~

Just a few more walking and he will reach Mount Kailash,he stopped for a while,took out his bow and ignited Agni Astra to make a fire.
He sat and rubbed his calloused hands.
He was told that there was a small kingdom here,what was it's name??

He was hoping to stop there and then proceed to do his offerings to the parents of the whole universe.

~Unknown pov~

"Swami,I told you ,he met her, will he destroy our scheme"
"We have our hold on her priye, didn't you see how she brutally slaughtered the people we sent,some more stimulation and she is done for,whatever magic he does,there is no prevention for the seed of wrath that l have sown.
The assassins were just mere pawns in our game,they were destined to die anyway.We have waited this long for our execution,it will not hurt to wait some more.Through her l will make all my desires come true,l will return to my lost glory through her,I will establish my rule through her" He then cackled with laughter.

~Author pov ~

Lord Krishna walked towards her and said "This is a very crucial and critical step in your journey,you need strength and perseverance for this,
I am granting you 3 boons,you can choose them.

"I want a boon which makes my body non-destructable to any form of weapon and skilled in all arts."
"So be it"
Lord kept his hand on her head and blessed her,an energy surged through Tara's body.
"That was only 1 boon,what do you want next"
Tara hesitated.
"No, you can't get any weapons from kaliyug,I can give you something else though "
"Can l get my motorcycle from back home"
He closed his lotus eyes for a second and opened his palm,there was a ring in it,he tossed it in the air and it transformed into her Kawasaki motorcycle.
"What in the-" Tara gasped.
"You can summon this whenever you want"He dropped the ring into her hand.
"Remember,you have 1 boon left,You need to go from here alone,we will meet again when it's time."

She took a deep breath and walked towards the gurukul.



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