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~Tara pov~

Hastinapur city

People was shouting at her to move out of the way.
I didn't know what to do,what am l supposed to do now??I should have been more careful.Why did l have to come in this wretched era??Was l out of my mind??She broke down in a corner and started crying,stifling her sobs.
"Putri,are you alright"
She looked up when she heard the voice ,the tears were blurring her vision.She wiped her tears and rubbed her eyes to see who it was.It was a lady, probably in her mid-forties,she was well dressed and had a kind face.She smiled at Tara ,her expression urging Tara to say something.
"I-"Tara managed between her sobs"am lost"
What else was she supposed to say,l am from the future and is accidentally trapped in this era,even if she told which fool would believe her.
"You look a sight putri,let me help me you"
She gently lifted me up and sat me on a wooden stool,i was in no state to resist it so I just went along with it.She gave me water in a small matka,when the cool water touched my parched throat i realised how famished i was,i gulped down the water in one go.
"God,you are thirsty,my name is Charvi.Where are you from putri,you don't look from this kingdom" Huh,i come from 2030,will you take me there.She scoffed,but made it sound like a cough.
"I am from Dwarka"which is frankly the only place which came into her mind.
"Oh,i see,no wonder you got lost,do you have any place to stay here?"
"No" where was she going with this?Are people of this era this generous ?
"My home is nearby,maybe I can offer some shelter to you?"
Woah,that was fast.She was doubtful of the lady,but the sun had went down and darkness was starting to engulf,she contemplated,what more could happen that was bad than this?she nodded her head.The lady smiled and escorted her,as it was turning night,the streets were stating to clear,the shops were closing.

Charvi was leading me through an eerie narrow way,there was no sign of a house nearby.where was she taking me?

"Excuse me,how long do we have to walk?"

"Just some more"she said not looking at me and walking hastily.

Something is not right,or someone is not right,I stopped walking.Not hearing my footsteps following her Charvi looked back.

"Why are you standing there itself putri,come"

"No,i have changed my mind.I am going back"I said and was about to turn back when she pulled my hair started to drag me.

"AARGHHH"my scream echoed in the night,but the city was dead.I kicked her in the shin and ran with all my remaining strength.

Out of blue 2 men came from the shadows and stood in front of me.I looked back and saw another set of men behind Charvi.

"Do you really thought that I will come without backup?"She smiled at me,now the smile has lost all its kindness and was full of malice.

"Who are you people .What do you want from me?What have l ever done to you?"i screamed at them.I was rounded by 4 burly men and 1 mad woman,with no way to run.Great.
"Look there is no point of resisting now,we have no intention of hurting you.Just come with us quietly and we can get this over with quickly"

There is no looking back now,I took out the dagger from the ruffles of my dress and pointed at them,its do or die now.They laughed at me,one of the men walked towards me with a mocking smile on his face.When he was nearing me the back of my neck was burning,oh no,not now,the pain in my neck made my hand waver,the man was now 1 feet away from me,he swinged his hand and slapped me across the face.My head and neck were now paining equally.I felt like i was about to faint.My vision started blurring.


It was like a jolt of electricity passed through me,my clothes were feeling wet,i was still standing in the same alley way.I looked around me.

"ERGHHHH"I was petrified by the sight in front of me.All five of them was brutually assassinated,their intestines was pulled out,a slash had opened their clothes which was almost black with clotted blood,their skin ,the fatty layer beneath it and their innards.Their eyes was pulled out of its sockets ruthlessly and barbarously,it was a blood bath,who would have done this?I touched one of their arms,it was cold.How long have they been dead??The sight of blood made me sway.

Suddenly my attention went to my hands,I became aware of the blood dripping from my hands.A chill ran through my spine as I acknowledged my state.I slowly lifted my shaking hands which was drenched in blood,in one hand there was my dagger which was dripping with blood with a remaining piece of one eye hanging from it.The hand in which the dagger is was slippery because of all the blood.My hands slowly went upto my face which was also stained with blood.What's the meaning of all this?Then the obvious kicked in,
It can't be-
I painstickingly realised the fact that I was the one who took the life of these people,that i was the one who did this heinous act.But how,I don't remember any of it.What's happening to me?What's the meaning of all this?Damn it ,why don't I remember anything?O god I killed 5 people,I have the blood of 5 people on my hands,What have I done?I became weak in my legs,they couldn't support my body,I dropped to the ground,all the blood around me made me feel nauseous,my eyes were blubbering,my head was in my hands,I pulled my hair,distraught and frustrated.

"AARGHHHHHHH"I shrieked into the night sky.



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