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~Author pov~

"Mitr Karn, are you sure you don't want me to accompany you?"

"No, Duryodhan, you have matters here to take care of, you need to work on your Yuvraj campaign.You know what you have to do, right??"

"Yaya, you don't have to nag me, I already have 2 parents for that.Listen, Ang Pradesh is not in a good state, atleast take Ashwa with you, he maybe of some help"

"I will be okay, This is my job, I need to prove myself"

"Here he comes with his philosophical nonsense" Ashwathama said.

Karn shook his head at Ashwathama.In these past few days the three of them had formed a bond which was unbreakable. Karn had never friends like these before, heck he never even talked to people that much.But with them he had a feeling that he can say anything that comes to his mind and they won't judge. They seemed to understand his reserved personality and calm demeanor like no one, he considered himself really lucky for that.

"Ashwa, where is Tara?? I didn't see her since yesterday" Duryodhan asked.

"Why?? Why do you want to see that firecracker??"
Karna mocked.

"I see, you gave me a nickname too, Angraj"
Karna turned to see Tara standing behind him. Duryodhan stifled a laugh. Karna rolled his eyes at Tara.

"Tara, where have you been??" Ashwathama asked.

"I was tired"

"Are you ok now?? Come let's get you something to eat, you look weak"

Saying so Ashwathama walked away with Tara, not giving a second glance to Duryodhan and Karna. He talked and laughed with Tara all the way. Duryodhan was not surprised, though he was deeply concerned by Ashwathama's obsession with Tara.
Seeing them walking away, something stirred inside Karna, he just couldn't put his finger on it.

"Is there something going on between them"
He asked Duryodhana in a low voice.

"What, I didn't hear you??" Duryodhana played.

"You heard what I asked, I know, if you don't want to tell then don't tell"

"Ooo, someone's angry, don't worry, they are not a couple"

"Why should I worry?? I don't care if she's with someone or not?? I just asked because of my care for Ashwathama"

Duryodhana burst into ripples of laughter.

"Karna, first of all, it is evident on your face that you are lieing, second, care for Ashwathama, seriously, that buffalo.You couldn't think of any other reason "

"Stop laughing, I don't care ok"

"Yaa sure, I saw you staring at Tara last night"

"Everyone was staring at her"

"Yes, but you were staring with dreamy eyes, you even whistled, idiot"

"I have nothing for her, ok, agreed she's kind of beautiful, but-- look, can we please forget this and DON'T tell Ashwathama, ok. If he knows I asked, Tara will know"

Duryodhana raised his hands in surrender.
"Whatever you say, Angraj"

"I am leaving" karna said through gritted teeth and got in his chariot.

Duryodhan shouted.


"Moron" Duryodhan murmured under his breath.

But karna was not going to Anga, as soon as he left the sight of Duryodhan he turned his horse around and rode to the outskirts of the city where Tara and Ashwathama was waiting for him on their respective horses. He was still suspicious of Tara's strategy but what she was doing was for the good of Duryodhan or so he believed. But why was she doing all this for Duryodhan and if she discussed all the strategies with him why are they meeting here secretively?? All these questions racked his mind.

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