24. Plans and Strategies

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In her quest to win over Akash's affections, Payal meticulously planned her encounters with him at the office. Each morning, she would arrive early, feigning innocence and purity as she made her way to the temple nearby.

Payal: (softly humming a devotional song) Oh Bhagwan, bless me with the strength and wisdom to navigate through this day with grace and virtue, and to manipulate those around me to achieve my desires. Let my pretense of piety and innocence sway the hearts of the Raizada family, securing my place as their favored daughter-in-law. With their wealth and status, I can finally live the lavish lifestyle I've always dreamed of. Oh Bhagwan, grant me the cunning to deceive and the charm to captivate, for my ambitions know no bounds.

As she approached the temple, she pretended not to notice the presence of Anjali and Nani, strategically positioning herself to catch their attention.

Payal: (pretending to be surprised) Oh! Namaste, ji. I didn't expect to see you both here. What a pleasant surprise!

Anjali: (smiling politely) Namaste, Payal. It's nice to see a young girl like you embracing our culture and traditions.

Nani: (nodding approvingly) Yes beta, indeed. It's refreshing to see someone so devoted to their beliefs.

Payal: (genuinely) Oh, thank you so much! I believe in living by the values instilled in us by our elders. It's what guides me in every aspect of my life.

Her words were carefully chosen to appeal to Anjali and Nani's sensibilities, painting her as an ideal match for their family. But beneath her facade of innocence lay a shrewdness and cunning ambition.

Payal: (in her thoughts) This is it. I have to make them see me as the perfect daughter-in-law for the Raizada family. Once they're convinced of my virtues and purity, Akashji won't be able to resist me.

With her plan in motion, Payal continued to play the role of the devout and virtuous young woman, all the while scheming to win Akash's heart and secure her place in the Raizada household.

As Payal meticulously planned her encounter with Akash at the office, she knew that showcasing her talent and dedication would be key to winning his admiration. Armed with her designs and a charming smile, she made her way to Akash's workspace, her heart pounding with anticipation.

Payal: (to herself, with determination) This is it. My chance to impress Akashji and prove that I'm not just a homely girl but can equally participate in AR as a boss also because of my ability.

With confidence in her stride, Payal approached Akash's desk, where he was engrossed in reviewing some documents.

Payal: (smiling nervously) Good morning, Akashji! I hope I'm not interrupting anything important.

Akash: (looking up,  surprised) Payal! No, not at all. Please, come in. What brings you here today?

Payal: (small smile) I've brought some of my latest design sketches. I thought you might be interested in seeing them.

As she laid out her designs on the table, Payal couldn't help but feel a surge of excitement and nervous, eager to catch Akash's attention.

Payal: (excitedly) These are just a few ideas I've been working on. I thought they might inspire some new projects for the department.

Akash: (impressed, examining the sketches) These are pretty, Payal! Your attention to detail and creativity are truly good.

Payal: (gratefully) Thank you, Akashji. I put a lot of thought and effort into each design, hoping to contribute something meaningful to our team.

As Akash continued to see her work, Payal couldn't help but bask in the glow of his admiration. She felt her confidence soar, knowing that she was one step closer to winning his favor.

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