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CW/TW: Kidnapping, stabbing, blood, blood drinking, breaking bones, toxic behavior, with caution lol

human AU!

the long awaited sequel to Taste! (although that one is old and this one is much better)

enjoy <3


"Get. Out." Blue spun around, the knife pointed straight at Nightmare's chest, right where his heart was. Or, more accurately, where it should be. He would be surprised if Nightmare had a heart in that cold chest of his. Nightmare held his hands up defensively, not yet moving.

"Blue, sweetheart. Let's put down the knife, yeah?"

"No! Get out of my house and never come back! I'm sick and tired of this. I'm done!" Blue shouted, body trembling as he did so, his glare never faltering. "I'm done being your blood bag, and I'm done feeding into your sadistic nature."

"Come on now. Let's not be like that." Nightmare grabbed onto Blue's shoulders, pushing him into his side dresser.

Despite his shaking, Blue held the knife to Nightmare's chest anyway, ready to stab it into it at a moment's notice. Nightmare's nostrils flared, Blue's blood flowing right beneath his skin, practically begging to be drunk from.

Even from here he could practically taste it, it's savory flavor, it's utter perfection. His tongue ran over his lips as his teal eyes met Blue's gaze, eyeing him like a plate of freshly cooked meat. Blue shuttered, suddenly acutely aware of his heart pounding in his chest.

"Go away." It was wavering, more of a plea than an order.

"I can't do that. You know I can't." The grip on the knife tightened, Nightmare stayed calm, watching every moment carefully. Every twitch and subtle movement was analyzed, studied carefully with precision.

Questions flying through both of their minds as Blue's breath quickened, and as Nightmare didn't breathe at all. Only adding to Blue's horror.

Blue swallowed hard, eyes darting back from Nightmare's hypnotizing eyes to the floor to the knife back to Nightmare. How quickly could he attack, how quickly could he get away? How quickly could Nightmare recover and how quickly could he sink his teeth into his skin?

"I said, get out. Before I make you."

"We both know you won't do it." Nightmare leaned in closer, whispering in Blue's ear, making him shutter. "You don't have the heart. You're too sweet, too kind," Nightmare smiled, "Now put the knife down, stop this silly little act of rebellion of yours and give me what I want." Nightmare licked his lips and kissed Blue's cheek, and moved all the way down to his neck. Blue's lip quivered and Nightmare nipped gently at his neck.

Not biting. Not yet.

"You taste so good, you know."

"Leave me alone!"

Nightmare sucked on Blue's neck for a moment, "Mmm...I hope you beg like you did last time. It was adorable."

Blue shivered as Nightmare ran his tongue up his neck, "Though, I don't think you can outdo last time's performance, 'twas incredible, haha." Nightmare's hand squeezed his hip, gently rubbing it with his hand. "But don't feel required to live up to your, beautifully intoxicating, standards. Your desperation excites me regardless."

Sobs threatened to come out of Blue as Nightmare continued to play with his neck. Leaving saliva and small hickeys all over, forcing his blood to the surface. His grip on the knife wavered, and he felt like he might drop it.

Nightmare x Blue OneshotsWhere stories live. Discover now