Evening Out

800 39 53

sup nerds I'm BACK

I intended for this to be posted in January but uhhhhh I wrote more than I thought I would

ah well

quick disclaimer: in this story there is a small portion where Japanese is spoken. I do not speak Japanese. If you are a fluent Japanese speaker then I am so sorry lmao I hope it's okay.


"Awww. Come to stop me on your own? I feel like you're smarter than that."

The knuckles on Blue's hands began to hurt as he gripped onto his sword. His eyes blazed as they stared at Nightmare's face, not moving. His teeth ground together, and his anger was barely contained.

"I've come to negotiate." Blue said, almost spitting it out. His tone vile and venomous.

"Negotiate? That's an...interesting proposition. I don't think any other member of your team has negotiated with me for anything."

Blue's eye twitched. He didn't want to make banter with Nightmare of all people. He just wanted to get himself, Ink, and Dream out of this as soon as possible.

"I'm aware of that." He has to choose his words carefully. Nightmare was not someone he wanted to piss off. "I'm trying to be more civil than the two of them. I suspected that you would appreciate that."

Nightmare leaned into his hand, "What's your offer? And hurry it up. I'm a very busy man."

Blue cleared his throat, "You are in current possession of my two friends."

"That would be correct."

"And there is no way that I'm going to be able to break through your impeccable security system and get me and all my friends out safely."

"Also correct. You're so clever, aren't you, pretty boy?"

Blue felt the blood rush to his cheeks. Nightmare was not taking him seriously and it was starting to piss him off. Nightmare was cooing at him, patronizing him! He knew Nightmare barely saw him as a person but this was humiliating!

"So, I am here to negotiate their freedom with you." He took in a deep breath, "I know I can't offer much, I don't have much money, not like you'd need it from me, and I can't really offer much transportation across the Multiverse however-"

Laughter that was full of pity erupted from Nightmare, cutting him off. His heart rate sped up and he felt rage boiling in his stomach. His cheeks reddened even further, and his eyes threatened him with anger-induced tears.

"God, you are...just fascinating." Nightmare hummed as he finished laughing at the mortal below him. He stood up, and waltzed down the stairs. To see Blue's face up close, not beaten or unconscious, was something he had been wanting for some time. He just had to get a closer look at all of his features.

Blue immediately stiffened, taking a defensive stance with his sword. Nightmare stopped when his chest touched the tip of Blue's sword. Blue was visibly sweating, he clearly wasn't expecting Nightmare to come down to his level. He took a step back.

And Nightmare followed him. This happened a few more times before Nightmare got impatient and pushed Blue's sword away from him.

"Stop running away from me." Nightmare told him, his voice calm yet domineering. Blue couldn't help but be intimidated and listen to him.

Despite his brain screaming at him to keep Nightmare away and keep his guard up, he knew better than to piss him off. It was a guaranteed death sentence.

Nightmare x Blue OneshotsWhere stories live. Discover now