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It was warm, cozy, and secure under the blankets. The satin sheets and thick comforter insulated the warmth, keeping it trapped inside and comfortable. The cold air bit at any skin it could find, but the blankets, including the fuzzy one on top, kept it at bay.

And underneath all the insulation, laid the King of Negativity, ruler of a good chunk of the Multiverse and bringer of suffering, and next to him, his boyfriend.

Nightmare was mostly naked underneath the covers, wearing just a pair of boxers and nothing else, allowing his tentacles to be out and have a full range of motion. He was resting on two of them, which he didn't mind. His arms and all four of his tentacles were wrapped around his boyfriend tightly, keeping him close and trapped.

The boyfriend, was none other than the third member of the Star Squad, the stars to Nightmare's moon, the one person who was able to break through Nightmare's superiority complex and get him to express his feelings for once in his immortal life.

Blue, of course. Blue was snuggled into the bed, only his nose upward out of it. The cold, crisp air felt nice as he breathed in. He was wearing his scarf, duh, he never did anything without it (except swimming...he wouldn't go swimming with his scarf on).

He was wearing some pajama shorts, they were a deep, almost black blue that was very soft and didn't make him want to pull his skin off. Today was a shirtless night. He would often wear shirts of varying sleeve length to bed since he preferred to be clothed, but sometimes he decided against it. Either due to texture reasons or if Nightmare stole him away before he could get fully dressed

And that's exactly what had happened. Blue would've liked to wear a shirt since it was winter and freezing outside. But Nightmare said no and unfortunately when Nightmare said no then that was that.

Nightmare had his arms hooked around Blue's waist, his nails digging into his hips. His tentacles were wrapped around Blue's body and legs, keeping him flush against Nightmare's chest.

Not that Blue minded. Being snuggled up and warm was one of his favorite things! Even if he could barely move and was wrapped up tight, it was still comfortable. His hands were placed in front of him, resting against his chest.

Nightmare made circles on Blue's hips, before shifting into making "N" shapes with his nails.

The tentacles got slightly tighter, and Blue squirmed in discomfort. Nightmare kissed the top of Blue's head keeping his lips there for a moment.

"You're all mine." Nightmare hissed, his voice oddly harsh. "So handsome and you belong to me."

Despite the blatant possessiveness, Blue wasn't concerned. Nightmare got like that sometimes, possessive. Blue knew he didn't mean much by it, Nightmare wasn't keeping him from his friends or anything. If anything, Blue liked the feeling of being wanted so much.

But this...this was different. Nightmare's grip on him only got tighter, and he was struggling to get in air. He could breathe but not comfortably.

"N-Nightmare, it's uh, little tight-?"


That wasn't much of a response. But Nightmare did loosen his grip. Just a little.

"You're so warm. So warm and all mine."

Blue pressed his face into Nightmare's chest, and in response, Nightmare put his head on top of Blue's.

"I really like this, y'know."

"Enjoy what, beloved?" Nightmare murmured, shifting so one of his hands was in Blue's hair.

"Cuddling with you." Blue closed his eyes, "It's nice."

"Of course you think it is, you fucking nerd."

"Hey-!" Blue began to shout before a hand clamped over his mouth.

"Shh Shh. Enough of that my god. How am I supposed to get some sleeping with you shouting?"

The room was quiet, and the bed was warm. The two were pressed against each other under the blankets. The bed was large but barely any of it was being taken up. After a moment of silence, Nightmare removed his hand, putting it back in its rightful place on Blue's head.

"I love you."

"Aw. I love me too."

Blue pouted and attempted to turn away from Nightmare. But instead, he got squeaked like a dog toy.

"You're so mean."


Nightmare pressed his lips against Blue's face, forcing his eyes closed.

"Rest now. Mortals like yourself need sleep."

"Say it back."

"Fine. I love you too."


gay gay homosexual gay

754 Words

Nightmare x Blue OneshotsWhere stories live. Discover now