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They are implied to be humans in this story.


Dream popped his back, sending a smirk at Ink as they walked down the stairs together, "Something smells good!"

"Thanks!" Blue called back.

Ink and Dream made it to the kitchen where Blue was setting down a tray of cookies. Ink tried to grab one, but Blue smacked his hand with the damp, wooden spoon.

"Those aren't for you."

"What? If they're not for me then who are they for?!"

"Kids in the hospital who can't go trick or treating this year."

Ink scoffed and slumped down on the counter, starting to pick at his dinosaur oatmeal. Dream walked over to Blue and ruffled his hair, "You're so cute, dude."

Blue pushed Dream's hand off and began to fix his hair, "I am not!"

"Uh-huh. Suuuuure."

"I'm not! Anyway, what are we doing for Halloween this year?"

"Ink and I are going as Mario and Luigi."

"That's cool- Wait am I not being included?"

"You are included!" Dream snickered.

"Yeah, man! You're the princess." Ink grinned, placing Princess Peach's crown atop Blue's head.

Blue was not amused.

"I'm not wearing a dress."

A pink blur slapped Blue in the face, he huffed, taking it off his face, it was like the Princess's original outfit, but it was a suit and more prince-like.

"...I dunno. Pink isn't my color."

"I think it is Blue, come on man, you'll look great." Dream nudged him, taking the suit back.

Blue sighed and smiled, "Alright, alright. I'll do it."

Ink let out an obnoxious cheer and slapped Blue's ass.




"Guys wait up!" Blue called, his boots hitting the gravely street.

Dream grinned as he turned around, "Hey Blue! Back already?"

"Yeah, I didn't take me as long as I thought it would." Blue paused and looked at Ink, who had an entire pillowcase full of candy.

"Where...where did you get all that candy Ink?"

"I stole it from children."


"You heard me."

Blue huffed and crossed his arms, "Then no cookies for you."

Dream snickered. Ink gasped but didn't retaliate, he knew he had it coming.

"Anyways, what do you guys want to do next?  Maybe a haunted house, or a corn maze, or maybe aaaHHhhghHh!" Blue shrieked, his body being thrown into the air uncontrollably.

Dream let out a low growl, summoning his bow. Blue opened his eyes slowly, his face lit up as he saw who was holding him.

"Nightmare you horny bastard! Let go of him!"

Blue noticed that Nightmare wasn't wearing what he was normally. He noticed the two black and silver spiky bracelets on Nightmare's wrists, then the ones on his upper forearms.

Nightmare x Blue OneshotsWhere stories live. Discover now