In My Care

483 36 22

CW/TW: Betrayal, broken bones, bones in general, violence mention

Human AU (per usual)


"H..huh wha...I don't- What...What's going on?" Blue slurred, his vision blurry as he looked up at Dream's face. He must've been in pain, but he couldn't feel it. Not yet.

The ground was cold, a striking contrast to Dream's warm hands that were placed on his face. Dream was stroking his head and saying something, but the ringing in his ears made it impossible to focus.

Whenever he tried to speak, Dream would put a finger to his mouth. Shushing him.

"Drea-Dream I don't- Please-"

"Shhh." Blue heard him, finally. His eyes lit up slightly, and his brain got less foggy. "God, shit, ok, good, you're with me now. Hey, hey..."

Dream kept his head up as he regained his energy, the guardian's hands running through his curly hair.

"It's going to be ok. You're going to be ok, I got you."

"What happened...?" His head was thrumming and pain began to creep up from his bottom half.

"We were fighting Nightmare plus his gang and some debris fell on you. It got you good, and knocked you out, but you're ok now."

Blue attempted to pull himself forward but he stopped just as quickly as he started. Pain shot through him, and he cried out, holding onto Dream as he was cradled.

"No no! Don't move. Your legs appear to be fine but the debris above you seems to be keeping your waist pinned down."

"Can-Can you help me?" Blue took a deep breath, his eyes slammed shut due to the hammering in his chest and the return of the ringing in his ears.

Dream stopped touching him to stand up. Averting his eyes.

"Dream? Can you...are you...?"

"Don't worry ok? I'll come for you, just be patient. Don't give up hope. This is all part of the plan."

"P-Plan? What plan? Please I...I don't understand."

Dream just shook his head. His eyes glanced up and he sighed, kneeling down and stroking Blue's cheek one more time.

"Nightmare is coming. He will take you with him."


"SHHH!" Dream slammed his hand over Blue's mouth, "I know, I know ok?! I know that this seems terrible, but listen. It's...a necessary evil. Ink and I will come get you, ok? I promise. He won't even have the chance to hurt you."

The warmth of Dream's hands abandoned him as Blue's head was dropped. He lay on the cold ground, mind and heart whirling. Had Dream just...left him? To become Nightmare's captive?

He could barely believe it. He couldn't believe it at all! There had to be some rational explanation, some sort of reasoning behind Dream leaving him!

Something heavy pushed against the debris above him and he cried out before slamming his hands over his mouth.

Nightmare was right above him. Crushing him from above. He prayed to whatever god was up there that Nightmare would just leave him alone and Dream would come back, and everything could be normal and make sense.

"Well well well, what do we have here?" Nightmare's voice spoke from above him, cruelty dripping from every word. "A prize waiting to be claimed."


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